> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Our Candidate Rosanna Pulido Up Against That Same Old Dem Machine In The Chitown 5th District Race

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Sunday, March 1, 2009

Our Candidate Rosanna Pulido Up Against That Same Old Dem Machine In The Chitown 5th District Race

Primary day for the special election coming up in Chicago is on this Tuesday, the third of March, and hopefully my favorite pick for the republican candidate in the heavily weighted dem stonghold, Rosanna Pulido will be victorious in her quest to become congresswoman of her home turf. However she has a large pack of those same old same tired machine politico's on the left and some other decent candidates on the right who are all vying for the same seat, although she is the only candidate on both sides that is a lifelong resident of the 5th district in question..

The rest are all outsiders looking to use the famous launching pad for ambitious dem national wannabe's, (just like the previous holders of the seat most recently held by Dead Fish Emmanuel that is in play) so they too can become lifelong porkers at the public earmark trough. Famously digging their snouts in the slop also known as the public treasury so maybe they too one day can lie and cheat their way straight into the white house just like the current temporary occupant, Hussein Obama.

So if you are a Chicago resident please make sure to cast your all important vote on Tuesday to get some fresh citizen representation of the people by the people for the people in Washington Rosanna Pulido represents, instead of those full time lifer's on both sides of the same old political pigpen who could care less about that district and it's residents, and only care about advancing their personal political ambitions.

Watch Rosanna hold her own in this Tribune sponsored round table between the five republicans vying for the spot on the ticket, all the same old same old white guy club that America has obviously grown tired of.
In addition she will also be on Terri O'brien's internet radio show, blogtalkradio.com/Teri-OBr
ien, 2-3 pm Central time. She's coming on at ~2:10 pm.

5th District race in final lap, will be close call

Chicagotribune.com: "The competitiveness of the Democratic race to replace Rahm Emanuel in Congress was on display Saturday as candidates crisscrossed the North and Northwest Sides to glad hand at bowling alleys, throughout the Bungalow Belt and even on Irish radio shows.

As Cook County Commissioner Mike Quigley arrived at the Waveland Bowl, there on Western Avenue sat a giant sign for state Rep. John Fritchey (D-Chicago), a competitor in Tuesday's special primary election.

With many of the dozen Democrats, six Republicans and five Green Party candidates fanning out across the 5th Congressional District for the final weekend push before decision day, it was easy enough for them to trip over each other.

"It's neck-and-neck in this race and I'm freaking out," confessed Greg Bales, 24, a field organizer for state Rep. Sara Feigenholtz (D-Chicago), as he gave instructions to a group of about 50 volunteers ready to go door-to-door in Portage Park.

The district, which leans heavily Democratic, stretches from Lake Michigan to suburbs near O'Hare International Airport, encompassing both Northwest Side blue collar neighborhoods and the Gold Coast.

A mad dash for the seat started late last year when Emanuel, who had represented the district since 2003, left to become White House chief of staff for President Barack Obama. The contest turned negative in recent days, with Feigenholtz launching a TV ad trying to paint Quigley as a supporter of County Board President Todd Stroger.

The crowd of Feigenholtz supporters was heavy on workers represented by the Service Employees International Union, including the group's Illinois president, Tom Balanoff.

"We need a fighter for us right now," Balanoff told the group. "We're going to bring this home on Tuesday."

Quigley spent his day going door-to-door, meeting with Latino voters in Melrose Park, visiting seniors and shaking hands at the bowling alley, where off-duty police officers rolled in a charity tournament.

"There is nothing more important than voter contact," he said. "You don't want to leave anything out there untouched."

Fritchey got support from more than 200 union laborers, grocery store workers, bricklayers, sheet metal workers, truck drivers, heavy machinery operators and machinists who knocked on Northwest Side doors.

After a pep talk, Fritchey went door-to-door to appeal to voters in the Roscoe Village neighborhood, where many recognized him as their longtime state representative.

"Turnout is going to be low, so we got to get everyone out there," he told several voters on Eddy Street. A woman on the next block told Fritchey that Quigley had knocked on her door earlier in the day.

Ald. Patrick O'Connor (40th) campaigned at two Irish radio shows and a St. Patrick's dinner dance at a church near the city limits on the Northwest Side.

Clad in an emerald green sports coat, O'Connor gave an interview to a WCEV-AM 1450 host who spoke with a brogue. Besides answering questions about the economy, education, Immigration and U.S. Sen. Roland Burris (D-Ill.), O'Connor told listeners about his father's successes in Gaelic football before coming to America.

"Does the name help out at all?" asked host Sean Ginnelly, laughing at the propensity of Chicago voters to disproportionately choose candidates with Irish surnames.

"I've always been proud of it, so I don't hide from it for sure," O'Connor replied. "My dad's from Killarney and my mom's folks are from Mayo."

"Good background," said Ginnelly, a native of County Mayo.

Labor lawyer Tom Geoghegan, meanwhile, spent Saturday walking precincts, making phone calls and attending a coffee reception at the home of a supporter.

More of the same is planned Sunday, with church services a priority.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. Ray:
    Could you please do a post for us non-Chicagoans explaining why, despite all the corruption and people going to jail, the Democratic party is invincible up there?

    They seem to defy gravity...

  2. Sure will Foutsc and I'll post it here first, as this is the formula which I'll be accused of being racist for simplifying like this but I don't give a damn because it's true...

    Part One -  Illegals + Minorities = Population majority to Democrats as planned by them... so Illegal/Minority dems outnumber the otherwise almost 2 to 1 in Chicago and East St Louis proper.

    Due to their population density this simply negates the rural republican votes which are otherwise the state majority. So if one were to just call Chicago a complete loss and just name it a state of it's own, (the state of confusion perhaps) Illinois would be an all Conservative/Republican Red State...

    Part Two /
    Crooked Repub Gov George Ryan became synonymous with corruption, until the Blago gift that keeps on giving was introduced to Illinois. A scandal so deep in scum that once completely made public will doom all dems with the Obama and Daley Regime falling as well we can only pray...

    So Voila, there is your Liberal Dem inevitability but now the days of Dem rule are seemingly over come the next elections, minus ChicaJuana of coarse...


Some rules: No leftwing attacks nor Obama supporters so don't waste you're time & especially mine. All 99% others welcome to have your say.

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