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Thursday, March 19, 2009

Obama's Already Cashing In On Presidency, What A Slime

Now Obama's book of bullshit is being re sold as an abridged version to be marketed and sold as liberal propaganda to MIDDLE SCHOOL CHILDREN. The book again is an abridged version of the book "Dreams of my father" which of coarse is a piece of complete fiction that many believe was ghost written by unrepentant domestic terrorist and friend William Ayers. The embellishment that left out many pertinent facts about this so called father of his who abandoned the family during Barack's most formative years to go continue on his whoring drunken lifestyle ultimately ending up drunk and dead behind the wheel of his car eventually.

Hardly the hero Obama paints his Muslim whore chasing and drunken absentee father as and is hardly recommended reading for young impressionable lives, since his troubled family life is at the core of his most glaring problems and issues never addressed by the fawning and gushing MSM, his pathological willingness to lie about anything and everything being the most glaring omission, as the book itself is full of unmarked dream sequences and simple outright lies,.

This is what it should've been titled.....

Obama's new $500,000 book deal.

Washington Times scoop - Lynn Sweet: "WASHINGTON--The Washington Times is reporting that best selling author President Obama lined up a $500,000 book advance deal on Jan. 15, just before his inauguration.

The report, by Christina Bellantoni and Jim McElhatton with Chuck Neubauer contributing said 'the advance is against royalties under a deal with Crown Publishing, a division of Random House. The project calls for an abridged version of his book 'Dreams From My Father' for middle-school-aged children, according to the disclosure.'

The Washington Times reported that a 'White House aide said that the deal had been in the works for weeks and that the publisher will abridge the book. The aide, speaking on a condition of anonymity, said the publisher will get half of the money while Mr. Obama will sign off on the final version.'


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. Obviously, Obama tried to hide this business transaction. He doesn't want his supporters to realize he is filthy rich, which he has attacked others of being. He is supposed to be different--hope and change. He is a product of Wall Street with many contributions from companies like AIG.

  2. Ray, you will have to share with me the attacks you get form retitling Bill Ayers, I mean Barack Obama's book.

  3. Yeah Clay they try to make it seem like this was all done before the election and yet the red tape kept it from being completed....as for the trolls I've pretty much ended their behavior with the upfront warning,

    they figure if their little screed is going to get filed why waste their time, they move on. I think,too, a picture with me poing two guns at that their heads lets 'em know I'm not a pansy assed push over but I'll share any that arise....


Some rules: No leftwing attacks nor Obama supporters so don't waste you're time & especially mine. All 99% others welcome to have your say.

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