> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Madoff Watch Today as Victims Get A Close Look at the White Collar Crook of the Ages

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Thursday, March 12, 2009

Madoff Watch Today as Victims Get A Close Look at the White Collar Crook of the Ages

You know, I feel sorry for many of these people, in particular the charities who's foolish fund managers threw money into the Madoff Black hole, but unfortunately I don't have an extreme sorrow for the millionaires and billionaires who's only source of wealth was paper gains on an obviously screwy investment, who are now sadly wiped out for looking at the greediest and speediest way to get rich, on the backs of other people's money...just a thought.

But the charities that this white collared scum ruined should preclude him from any sympathy whatsoever and his family while rich at the moment for how long who knows, will have fluorescent bulls eyes painted on them unfairly or not since Daddy Madoff, or "Madoff the jagoff" as we call him ( know it's "May-doff" but we like the rhyme) is obviously figuring the safest place for him is jail, be it the imaginary "Club Fed" we always hear about, he will be uncomfortable to say the least until his death which many wish were today.

By the way, this is not a final hearing as there is no plea deal yet, this is just a plea hearing where he will claim guilt and then some victims will speak to determine if he should be out on bail, and what happens afterward will not be the end of this circus unfortunately as sentencing will be 4-6 months away.

- New York Post: "Bernard Madoff is an evil crook - but apparently not a rat.

The investment fraudster, who pleads guilty today to a $64 billion Ponzi scheme, refused a deal with prosecutors that would have required him to admit to a conspiracy charge because he didn't want to tattle on family members or others, a report said yesterday."
Madoff jail won't be as bad as "Shawshank,"expert says -

Mar. 11, 2009: "NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) -- Ensconced in his $7 million home, Bernard Madoff, the accused Ponzi swindler, is probably wondering what type of prison awaits him.

Madoff, who allegedly stole billions through his investment firm, could face a 150-year sentence if convicted in Federal Court in Manhattan on Thursday. He is expected to plead guilty to 11 criminal counts, according to one of his lawyers, Ira Lee Sorkin.
0:00 /2:20Madoff to plead guilty

Madoff has managed to avoid jail so far, thanks to the $10 million bail that he posted. Since his December arrest, he has remained with his wife under house arrest in their luxurious Manhattan residence.

But he won't be able to dodge the slammer for much longer, assuming he pleads guilty, and it's unlikely the 70-year-old man will ever be free again.

Madoff may ask the court to be placed in a prison of his choosing and the court can then forward this request to the federal Bureau of Prisons.

The bureau 'ultimately decides where the inmate [is incarcerated],' said bureau spokeswoman Felicia Ponce. 'We take into consideration judicial recommendations, but they're not binding.'

Despite his white-collar status and non-violent history, Madoff won't be whiling away his days in some cushy"

No Such Thing As Club Fed....continued


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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