> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: A Little Business Lesson; Borrow Money From The Government, They Own You, We Own You...Kinda Sucks Don't It?

Today's world headlines

Monday, March 16, 2009

A Little Business Lesson; Borrow Money From The Government, They Own You, We Own You...Kinda Sucks Don't It?

All of a sudden having to check with this new Commie Punky Brewster Administration before you head to the executive washroom to take a whiz, or calling up Tim "The Cheat" Geithner to see if you can take a few clients out to dinner, and then out to a BlackHawks game on the company dime. All while Obama and company piss away yours and our 401 or should I now say -401k's handing our hard earned money to the lazy have not want not's of the country?

Damn right it does, for all involved. That's why it's all a dog and pony show.

Including all the clowns in Washington and Bankers in New York who are turning the country into a Western version of the Soviet Bloc. It especially sucks when you get publicly eviscerated and brow beaten by this indignant little pud, Barney Frank, Fudd the Pud on estrogen as I call him. A person who's filthy same sex hands are all over this mess, and yet remarkably he sits in judgment of AIG and all the others like he did this past weekend? Topping it off with this little grandstanding show this morning on Today.....

Every time this guy opens his lisping mouth I wanna take a freaking baseball bat to his head, I tell you. Elmer Pud is getting away with murder sitting there safely ensconced in DC, where his comrades in arms like Maxine Watters and Chris Dodd are as guilty as he is, and yet they're out there ripping everyone and everything feigning indignation for the camera's like an episode of the West Wing. All this smoke and mirrors is to cover up his neck deep culpability in this financial mess, and it makes me sick and pissed off like you wouldn't believe.

I'm as mad at these filthy politicians than anyone else in this myriad of deception at this moment and I sense a revolution on the brink and I say lets bring it on Barney and Friends, it's time to throw your fat cat asses out the curb, and we're here to do the job. .

Obama will try to block executive bonuses at AIG

My Way News - : "WASHINGTON (AP) - President Barack Obama declared Monday that insurance giant American International Group is in financial straits because of 'recklessness and greed' and said he intends to stop it from paying out millions in executive bonuses.

'It's hard to understand how derivative traders at AIG warranted any bonuses, much less $165 million in extra pay,' Obama said at the outset of an appearance to announce help for small businesses hurt by the deep recession.more

Then we have the dickless wonder Obama doing the same dance Elmer Pudd was doing to a different set of cameras, and I swear to you on my poor mother's grave that this is nothing more than a public grandstand, all designed to cool our jets out here (not mine said the wise man) while the grand theft and deception Alex Jones talked about this weekend continues full speed ahead

Meanwhile they all go back to the Oval Crack Den and laugh their fat money padded assed off as how they tweaked the media agenda and news cycle for the day, acting like they're actually doing something over there in that place on the Potomac that used to be our Elected Government.
Obama: AIG can't justify 'outrage' of exec bonuses

- Yahoo! Finance: "WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Barack Obama declared Monday that insurance giant American International Group is in financial straits because of 'recklessness and greed' and said he intends to stop it from paying out millions in executive bonuses." more


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. Nice post and interesting blog!

    Would you like a Link Exchange with our new blog COMMON CENTS where we blog about the issues of the day?

  2. Sure common, link added in the left sidebar Blogroll links section this evening..good luck..

    Rev I have a little module in the left sidebar with the videos that prove the dem guilt and the GOP Bush innocence. Use it as ammo for liberal arguements that blame Bush, the videos shut them up quickly..


Some rules: No leftwing attacks nor Obama supporters so don't waste you're time & especially mine. All 99% others welcome to have your say.

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