> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Janitor Job Brings In The Unemployed From Miles Around

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Sunday, March 8, 2009

Janitor Job Brings In The Unemployed From Miles Around

700 people got in line for this job which is ridiculous because anyone overqualified will not be hired as the employer knows darn well as soon as Obama stops complaining what a crisis we're, in things will pick up and they'll hit the road for a better job.

You can bet 600 of these applicants are not professional janitors who really need the job much more than some guy like me with a college degree

Many of these people are just wasting their time and should let the people who need it to feed themselves fight it out. However I'm watching this and writing a letter warning these people not to hire an illegal and make sure this job goes to an American and a legal one.

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Stark’s hottest job: Janitor -

Canton, OH - CantonRep.com: "PERRY TWP. —

Plant closed. Laid off. Lack of work.

How hungry are people for work in today’s sinking economy?

Nearly 700 people have applied for a single job as a school custodian.
Perry Local Schools have an open position — full time with benefits — at Edison Junior High School after its afternoon janitor retired. It pays $15 to $16 an hour.

The job opened last Saturday, and district officials say the stack of applications continues to expand daily"

So much so, the deadline to apply for the position was moved from yesterday to 3:30 p.m. Monday to give potential hires more time.

Many of those who have applied say they lost their previous job due to budget cutbacks by their former employer.

“A lot of people have their stories when they come in. It’s heart-wrenching,” said Superintendent John Richard.


Dane Steed, 51, forged blades at Heinemann Saw Co. in Canton for nearly four years until last month.

He and several co-workers were let go because of a lack of work available. He put his name in the mix for Perry custodian post.

“Times are bad,” the Plain Township man said.

Steed said he has previous custodial experience at a school district and hopes he can retire at Edison.

“I don’t want to be doing this again,” Steed said.

Donna Croston, 49, of Plain Township, spent nine years on the assembly line at the Hoover Co. in North Canton before it closed last winter.

Prior to Hoover, she lost another factory job because the plant shut down.

For her, the custodial position at Edison represents more than a paycheck.

“There’s a lot of people out there like me that are looking for stability,” Croston said Friday.

Her two brothers are custodians for North Canton schools.

“They all love their jobs. They’ve never been laid off,” Croston said.


The growing pile of applications will be narrowed.

“This is like a needle in the haystack, but I might get lucky,” Croston said.

Barry Mason, business manager for Perry Local schools, said he will narrow the field to 30 to 50 applicants for an interview.

Among the qualities that he’ll consider for the next custodian, he said, include:

• Enjoys student interaction, even if the position is for after-school hours. So if you don’t like children, your chances are slim.

• Plans to stay in the position for long time. An applicant who sees this position as a short-term solution until the economy improves could be out.

“We are looking for someone who will make a career of it and be with us for a long time,” Mason said.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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