> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: If This Marxist Tyrant Chavez Calls Obama a Socialist, He's A Socialist

Today's world headlines

Friday, March 6, 2009

If This Marxist Tyrant Chavez Calls Obama a Socialist, He's A Socialist

It takes one to know one and if anyone knows one it's the slimy Venezuelan worm knows as Hugo Chavez. You remember the guy who hated Bush loves the Socialist Obama so that right there tells us all you lefties need to know. You elected a Marxist to run this country and guess what?

We're not gonna let it happen now that the wolf in sheep's clothing has been fully exposed for what he is..exactly what we told you he was 2 years ago...A Marxist tyrant. If Chavez sees it why can't the liberals see and or just admit it, you people are blood red commies and always have been, traitors.


DRUDGE REPORT: 2009®: "Caracas - Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez on Friday called upon US President Barack Obama to follow the path to socialism, which he termed as the 'only' way out of the global recession. 'Come with us, align yourself, come with us on the road to socialism. This is the only path. Imagine a socialist revolution in the United States,' Chavez told a group of workers in the southern Venezuelan state of Bolivar.

The controversial Venezuelan leader, who taunted the United States as a source of capitalistic evil under former president George W Bush, added that the United States needs a leader who can take it to a 'higher' destiny and bring it out of 'the sad role that it has been given, as a murderous, attacking power that is hated all around the world.'

Chavez said that people are calling Obama a 'socialist' for the measures of state intervention he is taking to counter the crisis, so it would not be too far-fetched to suggest that he might join the project of '21st century socialism' that the Venezuelan leader is heading.

'Nothing is impossible. Who would have thought in the 1980s that the Soviet Union would disappear? No one,' he said.

'That murderous, genocidal empire has to end, and some day there has to come a leader ... who interprets the best of a people who also in"


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. Won't it be sweet when this kiss each other on the cheek like good little dictator totalitarian Commies.

  2. This is sweet as it's the Good Marxist Seal Of Approval and makes great commercial fodder for we conservatives Clay,

    The Emporer's clothes have been yanked off for good now.


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