> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: DUI's Becoming Attention Getter's For Celebrity Has Been's Like Bosworth

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Friday, March 6, 2009

DUI's Becoming Attention Getter's For Celebrity Has Been's Like Bosworth

This guy was one of the original self new aged promoters, and I couldn't stand him then 20 years ago once off the gridiron, so now he's back in the headlines executing the new millennium's way to get yourself noticed and admired in the back assward, pop icon worshiping, American Idol society we live in. A sad time where the president seems more like someone who won a Twittering contest than the leader of great people that he obviously isn't.

Well, the drunk and broken down Bosworth is back for his 15 minutes that should get him a reality show worth a few million where he pretends to sober up somewhere and turn his life bla blah. What a country of losers we've become, people who celebrate substance abuse along with drunk, stoned and dangerous millionaires trampling around our cities and towns as if they were Greek Gods that own the universe, which sadly thanks to TMZ like celebrity worshiping websites they practically do...

Think about it......Here's a TV show with a website that focuses around follwing celebrities getting out of their car's at restaurants, the cutesy blond haired girly boy that the show centers around while 5 or 6 celebrity leeches led by TV Whore Harvey Levin making comments about which losers they followed out of some bathroom at the LA airport or coming out of Baskin Robbins in Encino. God help us all.

Original picture actually from 2005, photoshopped by me
Football star, actor Brian Bosworth arrested for DUI

| Entertainment | Reuters: "LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Former football star turned actor Brian Bosworth was arrested in Los Angeles on Friday on suspicion of driving his Harley Davidson motorcycle drunk along Hollywood Boulevard.

Bosworth, a maverick linebacker for the Seattle Seahawks in the late 1980s who starred in the 1991 action film 'Stone Cold,' was taken into custody about 3:30 a.m., the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department said.

The celebrity Web site TMZ.com reported that Bosworth, 43, was pulled over along Hollywood Boulevard by officers who noticed that his Harley had no license plate.

TMZ said that officers detected alcohol on Bosworth's breath and arrested him for suspicion of driving under the influence after he failed a breathalyzer test.

He was being held on $5,000 bail.

'The Boz' first gained fame as a big-tackling standout for the University of Oklahoma Sooners, where the outspoken linebacker was known for his fierce play, radical hairstyles and criticism of college athletics officials.

Though Bosworth's starring role in 'Stone Cold' failed to make him a top Hollywood action star, he has since made a number of film and TV appearances, including playing a prison guard in the 2005 Adam Sandler movie 'The Longest Yard.'"

Here's the guy leaving jail after sobering up for a few hours, luckily he didn't kill anyone or to lesser degree himself while tooling around hammered on his Harley...


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. You know what really pisses me off? Well I'll tell you. The damn media covers such crap as this and other crap like the black fella some rapper I guess that beat the crap out of his girlfriend who is also a singer. Who gives a shit. Our soldiers are are in a war and not getting any coverage other that bad coverage. I am just sick of all of this crap. And that damn person who professes to the POTUS really gets me pissed. I'll stop now before I go to far.

  2. Keep on goin Soldier that's what we're here for sir, we conservatives to unload on the press and the left of this country who's priorities are so fuc*ed up they can't think or see straight.

    And that's why every Wednesday I devote the blog to the soldiers, one day a week is the least I can do, I try to post more and probably should

    That's why I posted this lowlife Grandpa..It's in the top google searches this afternoon, and just as I planned it the idiots searching for it find it here and then see my rant about what an a hole he is.

    Then they are afraid to comment knowing I'll delete it or tear em a new one for looking up to this ahole for anything whatsoever.Just one mind changed is a victory in the culture war.

  3. It was really stupid of Bosworth to take Hollywood Blvd. when driving under the influence. There are always cops parked along Hollywood and patrolling the sidewalks - more so at night. Just plain stupid. If you're going to be dumb enough to drive drunk, at least do it down a side street where there are no cops! DUH!

    But, maybe it's like you said - maybe it's all for attention. Maybe his intention was to get caught so he could get back in the news. Bad love is better than no love at all...

  4. Well Insider it seems that way and since these people have so much money and connsections a DUI or 2 doesnt hurt them like it does the average Joe,

    And if real being on a bike, especially a big Harley drunk is imbecilic in it's own right

    then look at all the attention the ones that are supposed "substance abusers" get when they check in to "sober up" when in fact it could all be part of a ruse,ya know? Perfect reality show shit/

    I just am a cynical mutha and I'd bet the farm this is a set up to get his career going again.


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