> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Here's A Downside of Gun Ownership You'll See Plastered on Left Wing Blogs Today

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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Here's A Downside of Gun Ownership You'll See Plastered on Left Wing Blogs Today

In all intellectual honesty, guns are dangerous when in the hands of the mentally ill, the untrained, the impaired by drug and alcohol use, the paranoid, and the just plain stupid amongst us.

Like this gentleman who shot his own wife out near us in the far Northwest Chicago suburbs as she was crawling into bed with him.

Then again maybe he was trying to pull a Drew Peterson and missed, hitting her in the leg instead and hoping police would buy the same story he's now selling and moving on like the aforementioned POS Peterson..hey, it's a possibility..

Anyhow, he's now being charged for being stupid and discharging the firearm in a reckless manor and surely won't be getting any favors done by his wife anytime soon if you know what I mean...

Man shoots wife as she tried to get into bed -

- chicagotribune.com: "An Elgin man shot his wife in the leg when she apparently startled him as she tried to get into bed early in the morning, police said Monday.

Torrance Clarke, 39, of the 200 block of Elm Street shot his wife in the upper thigh around 5 a.m. Saturday, according to authorities, who said he told them he thought she was a burglar.

The woman, 42, was taken to a hospital for injuries that were not life threatening. She told police she had left the home before the shooting, authorities said.

Clarke was charged with reckless discharge of a firearm, a felony, police said."
What an idiot! How many burglars try to get in bed with you dumb ass? Sleeping with a weapon under your pillow is also an invitation for disaster as it sounds like this moron did.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. Was there a blue barrel near the house?

  2. No, he left it at the storage facility that's why he aimed high at the last second.

    (For any who may visit clay is alluding to the lowlife former Wheaton cop Drew Peterson who I alluded to in the post)


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