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Monday, March 9, 2009

Google Earth, A Terrorists "Must Have" Tool For Sure

Yet another example comes this time from British Military showing exactly why Google Earth needs to be scaled back if not entirely revamped allowing every person, business and every government entity who wishes to opt out of the street level mapping and satellite imagery an option to do so as this service detail is only of any real use for nefarious purposes.

Just look at this image that comes up right to my front door practically since I live off a main thoroughfare, this is a little invasion of privacy if you ask me..

If an enemy of mine wanted to track me down (likely a lunatic lib blogging troll if there is such a person) all they need is my address to see the layout of my property which is admittedly neat the first time you see it, then it's quite troublesome and problematic after that in my opinion. Here's the satellite view of the property and surrounding area..

So today Britain is reporting that a nuclear sub base previously unknown to the public is now terrorist ready which is troubling to say the least for them and people in the immediate areas as they can't just pick up shop and move the thing to a new location now can they? Of coarse they can relocate the subs but not the entire base.

Not to mention the usefulness of this information to our passive enemies like Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, we're an open book to these people and freedom of information can be curbed in a big way and should be when it comes to our national security and our defense department installations. They claim these things are blurred out but not for here in the US! Why would the most valuable and target rich country in the world be an open book for terrorists even domestic ones benefit from this new freaky technology.

Google Earth Uncovers British Nuclear Sub Base, Missile Facility

FOXNews.com - - Science News | Science & Technology | Technology News:

"Britain's nuclear defense headquarters could be under threat from terrorists using Google Earth.

Close-up aerial views of the top-secret naval base are on the computer program — available for free over the internet.

It even reveals the longitude and latitude of the facility in Faslane, Scotland — home to the U.K.'s Trident-armed nuclear submarine force.

And pictures clearly show two vast Vanguard Class submarines — each capable of carrying 16 nuclear missiles.

Military experts warn that would make it easy for terrorists to launch accurate mortar or rocket attacks.
One told The Sun: 'A strike on our nuclear capability would cause untold devastation. Terrorists could have a field day, knowing exactly where to aim strikes to cause the maximum devastation.'

As well as HM Naval Base Clyde at Faslane, the program also clearly shows the Trident Special Area near Coulport, just 10 miles away, where nuclear warheads are stored.

[Both facilities are also visible on the Internet via Microsoft's Live Search Maps.]"


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. All this technology and yet we can't find Osama Bin Ladin. We just give away our secrets with it.

  2. That is something isn't it? For all we know Obama could be Osama in cognito since so much about Obama's life is made up in the first place. And they chose Obama's identity because it was easier for Osama to keep straight...lol

    Seriously, I've always thought Osama was killed right away in Tora Bora, we know this (governmentwise) and use it as a rallying bogeyman deal to justify the elimination of AL Queda after their usefulness against Russia and Iran ran amok just like Saddam did, that's my feeling and truthfully if it keeps us killing radical Muslims I say keep him "alive" if only virtually...


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