> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: EU Starts Eating Their Own As Dem Caused Financial Tsunami Spreads Worldwide

Today's world headlines

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

EU Starts Eating Their Own As Dem Caused Financial Tsunami Spreads Worldwide

Our government, mainly the democrats led by Nancy Pelosi, Dingy Harry Reid, Barney The Boner Buffer Frank, and Chris "Don't Call Me Countrywide" Dodd forcing perfectly solvent and profitable banks to give and I mean give out home mortgages to totally unqualified Americans and Illegals of all color and all ethnicity that also had one thing in common with these dems and that is they'll do anything when it's othe peoples money at stake..

This youtube is headlining Matt Drudge's Report this afternoon at 2:00 pm cst and there is a great quote about a minute in to it as a British politician is getting an earful from a yet to be determined individual...

"You can't spend your way out of a recession or borrow your way out of debt"

Aint that the truth!!! A three year old can grasp that principle and these words would be well heeded by this in power"Pay Me Later" Obama 3 ring Circus, this scary group of Neo Marxists intent on reditributing America's wealth.

In fact Rush Limbaugh had a great clip from yesterday regarding this concept of Barry's plan to take the wealth and distribute it to what he believes to be it's rightful owners, the deadbeats of America.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. Based on what Geithner said today, this is all planned. I am convinced of it now. Geithner can't keep his story straight. He tells one crowd that he doesn't want to move to an international currency and then the next day he says he is quite open to it. This is the pattern of a liar trying to cover his ass. Alex Jones sounds less crazy every day.

  2. Jones is indeed starting to sound sane and Limbaugh is simply the only thing everyone needs to listen to and believe and that's why they're scared of him and demonize him, He has their playbook figured and broadcasts it every day...


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