> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Company selling $18 hair "mist" for that "Proud of your country look"

Today's world headlines

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Company selling $18 hair "mist" for that "Proud of your country look"

Yessirree Bob, for the mere cost of three 40 oz Colt 45's you too can look just like the First Lady Michelle, and let other Americans know you too are for the first time proud of your country!! No more Afro Sheen it's "Straight Finish" hair Mist you need to get that special look.

Get The Michelle Look Today!!

Company selling $18 hair "mist" to "get Michelle Obama's look"

- Lynn Sweet: "CHICAGO--Paul Labrecque Products are not subtle at all in exploiting First Lady Michelle Obama and her straight hair look in order to sell hair mist. The company is selling an $18 product called 'Straight Finish' billed in a web ad as the way to 'get Michelle Obama's look!'

National Public Radio just did a piece on Mrs. Obama's influence on black hair, and how her choices are impacting other African-American women."
And for those men looking for that distinguished "I'm no rookie president" look husband Barry has been sporting, you'll need to pick some men's"Soft Sheen" to dye that young looking jet black hair to the more weathered "I've been around the block" presidential look like this:

It's especially handy for those big meetings with more experienced foreign leaders and old time Washington life long politicians . So pick up some Soft Sheen and some Strait Finish for the woman and just like the first couple in just one trip to the local Drug Store instead of the liquor store next door!!


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. I'd rather my woman wear the Palin glasses than the Michelle Obama hair.

  2. Obama has the Marxist look going for him.

  3. Since our women don't sport afro's Clay I guess we don't have to worry about that, at least I think they don't ;>)

    He's got the shifty eyed look of a snake I think, and this fake grey I wrote about during the campaign that he was trying to look older against all theolder candidates....


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