> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Another Reason To Loathe Millionaire Athletes , A Rod, ARoid A Fraud, That's Why

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Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Another Reason To Loathe Millionaire Athletes , A Rod, ARoid A Fraud, That's Why

The ego's of today's celebrity's and pro athletes, all grown up children getting payed to play games and pretending to someone else are so repulsive and annoying to me I tuned out of most over the past ten years or so, particularly after 911 when I realized there are far more important things to be done with my spare time, blogging to try and effect societal change in anyway possible is one of them..

This Alex Rodriguez is one of the reasons that reaffirms to me I made the right choice not spending all my spare time watching the the Cubs and Sox, Hawks and Bears as well as the NBA thugs and the Bulls getting their assed kicked in year after year further inflating the egos and wallets of cheats and drug addicts.

Especially people like this guy who's latest media blitz including this story out of New York is enough to make most real, hard working men out here puke.

New York Post: "Nothing gets between A-Rod and his mirror!

Troubled slugger Alex Rodriguez gets up close and personal - with himself - in a one-man love affair photographed and published in the upcoming Details magazine.

The mag captures A-Rod's essence, with pictures of him smooching his own reflection, stretching his toned muscles on a bare mattress and brooding seductively for the camera.

Rodriguez wore Calvin Klein T-shirts and tank tops for the spread, evocative of the designer's sexy, envelope-pushing ads." The mag captures A-Rod's essence, with pictures of him smooching his own reflection, stretching his toned muscles on a bare mattress and brooding seductively for the camera.

Rodriguez wore Calvin Klein T-shirts and tank tops for the spread, evocative of the designer's sexy, envelope-pushing ads.

Read the full story and see more photos at Details.com.

Despite being one of the most recognizable men in the city, A-Rod told Details - in an issue that hits newsstands a week from today - that he enjoys taking the subway to Yankee Stadium, usually on Fridays.

"For night games ... the day to do it is a Friday, because traffic is horrible," he said.

The $27-million-a-year slugger, who's sidelined for two months after having a cyst removed and undergoing labrum surgery on a bum hip, says he wears a hooded sweatshirt on the train.

Yet he's usually discovered by eagle-eyed fans who pummel him with questions.

"I get a kick out of it," he said. "We talk about who's pitching tonight, and what we need to do. It's like being on sports radio."

The flawed superstar was all over the headlines last summer for his alleged extra-inning play with Madonna, who, at 50, is 17 years his senior.

Rodriguez said he's "friends" with the pop princess, but Details didn't press him to address allegations by ex-wife Cynthia Rodriguez that the Material Mom is a homewrecker.

"Well, we're friends. She's an amazing entertainer," A-Rod said of Madonna. "And it's been amazing how she's been able to stay on top for three decades. I have a lot of respect for her."

Details writer Jason Gay noted that A-Rod frantically reached out to him after the interview to retract the revelation of his favorite Madonna song.

The meltdown seemed like an odd concern of A-Rod's, according to Gay, considering that the Bomber's chat with Details came after Sports Illustrated reported he had used banned substances, and days before he faced teammates and media in Tampa.

A-Rod told the writer he didn't want that particular Madonna song blaring at rival American League parks at every road game.

Rodriguez recounted how he quit baseball as a 12 year old, convinced he was going to be a basketball star.

The slugger's mom whipped out NBA rosters and challenged him to find one hoopster of Dominican heritage.

"I looked for 15 minutes and couldn't find one," he said. "Two weeks later, I was back at baseball."


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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