He took a grilling in this entire 25 minute press conference that's damn funny watching him squirm like a worm
If the MSMspent this much time vetting Barack Obama we'd be looking at president McCain at work today instead of Barack back home here hiding from the press after congress raped the treasury last week. And they're coming back for more this week to pay the deadbeat mortgages out there which I'm betting many thought were already addressed in this last assault on Americans pocketbooks.
Like the new look - I think it's too appropriate that Burris already owns a tombstone.
ReplyDeleteI'm waiting for Boob Bobby Rush to place down the race card... again.
PS be sure to check out http://blasphemes.blogspot.com 's review of Obama's humorless, scandal free first month
This is just temporary in parts as I recode this beast today after putting it off for months.but thanks...we chicagoans warned the world about this stink on Obama and they're gonna have to cover it now, they can't hide it any more. He's a filthy as the rest...thanks I'll check that link out