> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Banks are Bankrupt and Still Lending To Illegals!! Wake Up America!!

Today's world headlines

Monday, February 16, 2009

Banks are Bankrupt and Still Lending To Illegals!! Wake Up America!!

No more bailouts until the damn illegals are cut off and shown the doors, demand it and now. Screw the PC police and the horse they rode in on and now.

Just look at what one courageous teller is telling World Net Daily about all the illegals he's forced to cater to every flippin day at the Chase Bank Headquarters in MD who happen to hold a chunk of my dough in the form of a money market account that I'm moving after reading this story. If this guy can quit his job for principle than I'm making a phone call and moving that part of my dough and this morning.

And I've often talked about the problems we have at the 911 center where I work in this city and I can only imagine these banks are going through the same thing catering to these damn illegals. All they need are one of these Bank of Amigo Cards and they're in business baby.
Haven't we had enough of this shit? I'm damn mad and I aint taking anymore of this crap, how about you? Sick of it all yet, what's your breaking point, when one of these frickers kills your innocent family in a drunk driving accident?!

Fed-up teller quits bank over Mexican IDs:

WND "A personal banker in Arlington, Va., is quitting his job after Chevy Chase Bank, one of the largest and best-known banks in the Washington, D.C., region announced it will begin accepting consular cards from customers who many suspect are illegal aliens.

The bank announced its 'Hispanic Banking Initiative' during a pilot program and is now accepting Matricula Consular de Alta Seguridads, or MCAS, at all of its branches so customers without U.S. government IDs may open accounts.

The MCAS is an identification card issued to foreign nationals living in the U.S. by the Mexican government via their 47 consulates. The National Council of La Raza estimates that more than 350 financial institutions currently accept them. Customers with the IDs – including illegal aliens – are able to open checking and savings accounts, order check cards, safe deposit boxes, cashier's checks and wire billions of dollars to Mexico.

'I was becoming stressed out at work because I just knew in my heart that if someone came to me with this card I couldn't just compromise my principles and open an account for them,' Chevy Chase personal banker Albert Thompson told WND.

The U.S. banking system relies on Social Security numbers to track accounts, verify identity and report taxable earnings to the government

"Accepting the Matricula skirts that issue," Bankers Online reports. "Many Mexicans who work in the United States do so in order to send money back to their homes in Mexico. FDIC says about $18 billion is wired annually from the U.S. to Mexico. Many U.S. banks have welcomed the IDs as a way to get a cut of this activity by profiting from the handling charges on the wires and increased deposits."

After praying about his circumstances, Thompson said he is taking a stand – even if it means facing unemployment during a recession.

"I came to understand that sacrificing my principles is more expensive to the soul than unemployment is for my wallet," he said.

Now he is refusing to compromise his values by catering to customers who have violated U.S. immigration law.

"I always knew that the bank was doing this," he said. "I just didn't want to be a part of it. So, I deliberately did everything I could every time I worked for the bank to avoid being placed at a branch that was part of this initiative."

Thompson said Chevy Chase Bank recognized that there is a growing Hispanic population in the Washington, D.C., area, so it decided to capitalize on that part of the market. But he believes problematic ID cards issued by foreign governments compromise the nation because many people who use them are in the United States illegally.

"What effort the consulates actually go through to verify that person's identity and location is questionable, which is why the bank requires an additional proof of residency – like a U.S.cell phone bill," he said. "It's as simple as that – a cell phone bill with an address in the U.S. and that card. Then we just take their word for it."continued


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

1 comment:

  1. They're all over Chicago like Tijuana and it's freakin unbearable for many of us here. It's gonna become time for some white flight from this area although I'm not really certain where there is an illegal free zone anyhwere in America..maybe Mexico, since it seems they're all here.

    Hopefully the unemployment will force liberal Americans to get on board for mass deportations finally/


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