> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Obama Embroiled in Gay Sex Scandal? That's So Hard To Believe...Not

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Thursday, February 26, 2009

Obama Embroiled in Gay Sex Scandal? That's So Hard To Believe...Not

Who knows about the veracity of this claim but we do know a man named Larry Sinclair has claimed this for years now and has yet to have been silenced or sued for his claims of doing Obama in the back of a limo and a hotel room while engaged in a cocaine binge with Barry toking the pipe all weekend.

Well all I can say about this story is this: The National Enquirer was derided for a year as they followed fellow lowlife scum democrat Fruity boy John Edwards as he lied about his affair with Reille Hunter or whatever her name was and theyw ere completely vindicated and often are.

So what say Metrosexual Queen Obama about this ?

Michelle Obama Tears

Globe Magazine -Celebrity, Photos and News: "PRESIDENT Barack Obama is caught up in a new gay sex and drug scandal - and his loving wife is heartbroken, sources tell GLOBE in a blockbuster world exclusive. Find out all the details of the letter Michelle Obama received from the MAN who claims to be her husband's lover - and how America's devastated First Lady is fighting back against a shocking new tell-all book. It's must reading!

Here's who Larry Sinclair is for those of you out there who are not aware of this very seedy character who I believe more than I do the lying and cheating Muslim Obama.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken


  1. Oh yeah, I almost forgot about Larry Sinclair.

  2. Well, he's back as I think this is actually about that scandal it's just that these people are finally getting around to it. It doesn't say who it is and Sinclair's sites have nothing to say, so I may go buy the thing so I can add the names to the post.

  3. Ray..
    Larry's site doesn't say who it is? It is HIM, the fatty tuna..
    It's all lies. I didn't vote for Obama, and I damn sure wouln't make shit up like this.. Larry is a liar for sure.
    All he want is $$$. He has made 100G off this scam already.

  4. It didn't hours ago but it does now .... and here's what he says:

    No I have not yet personally seen or read the recent Globe Magazine article and review of my book

    Cocaine, Sex, Lies & Murder?

    but I have received several phone calls in the last ten minutes from those who have picked up a copy. The statements are that the article is very well written and the reviews of my book are nothing short of a winner!

    I've always said this about Sinclair and others, when they come out with allegations like this even against a public figure contrary to public belief you as a public figure can sue for defamation, so why the silence from Obama who himself is a lawyer and this has been around for over 1 1/2 yrs...

    Obama doesn't have to address it because no one believes this guy which is understandable, but I'll tell you that I lived in Chicago for 25 years and as a local businessman have many associates, clients, friends and connections of my own in reasonably high places who've conveyed to me through personal dealings of their own with Obama that he's a lying street cheat and always has been, and in my opinion always will be.

    Everyone's entitled to their opinion and I respect yours as well, this sinclair isn't exactly an upstanding citizen himself, thats for sure.

    So if he was entirely dis attached from Sinclair he would sue him to shut him up and keep him from profiteering, that's just my opinion as a certified longtime Obama hater.


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