> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Wonder Why The NY Slimes Faces Shuttered Doors?

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Thursday, January 15, 2009

Wonder Why The NY Slimes Faces Shuttered Doors?

It's likely their rabid anti American, borderline treasonous hatred for the US Military, especially it's proud members who die daily for their right to be complete A holes within their pages, as they prove with each edition that anyone in America has the right to run themselves right out of business when Americans get tired of buying what they're selling.

Don't need much Harvard business acumen to figure that one out as they continue with that line of business model as they hope that this severely unqualified Halfrican American person filling the job at the white house rejuvenates that "hate your country and it's defenders" spirit again from sea to shining sea. Let's certainly hope that disease does not spread any wider than it already has as Ann Coulter, the chick that the left loves to go apoplectic over every time she peaks out her front door, looks at the "Slimes" latest hit piece on our finest and proudest. US military members who supposedly come home as rampant killing machines intent on murder sprees and general mayhem which turns out to be statistical bunk when one looks at a few important numbers that they happen to conveniently ignore.

Those liberals never let facts get in the way of a good pulp selling hit piece now do they? Not there they don't, and that's why they're belly up right now taking their last breaths which they are claiming isn't true today, as if they can be believed as their stock price doesn't lie. Keep writing anti American military slop like this and they certainly will, that's for damn sure..

Murder spree by people who refuse to ask for directions:

Anne Coulter, WND In a front-page article on Jan. 2 of this year, the New York Times took a brief respite from its ongoing canonization of Barack Obama and returned to its series on violent crimes committed by returning GIs, or as I call it: 'U.S. Military, Psycho Killers.'

The Treason Times' banner series about Iraq and Afghanistan veterans accused of murder began in January last year but was quickly discontinued as readers noticed that the Times doggedly refused to provide any statistics comparing veteran murders with murders in any other group.

So they waited a year, hoping readers wouldn't notice they were still including no relevant comparisons.

What, for example, is the percentage of murderers among veterans compared to the percentage of murderers in the population at large – or, more germane, in the general population of young males, inasmuch as violent crime is committed almost exclusively by young men?

Any group composed primarily of young men will contain a seemingly mammoth number of murderers.

Consider the harmless fantasy game Dungeons and Dragons – which happens to be played almost exclusively by young males. When murders were committed in the '80s by 1) young men who were 2) Dungeons and Dragons enthusiasts, some people concluded that factor 2), rather than factor 1), led to murderous tendencies.

Similarly, for its series about how America's bravest and finest young men are really a gang of psychopathic cutthroats, the Times triumphantly produced 121 homicides committed by veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars in order to pin the blame for the murders on the U.S. military.

Perhaps the Times' next major exposé could be on how a huge percentage of murderers are people who won't ask for directions or share the TV remote.

Let's compare murders by veterans to murders by other 18- to 35-year-olds in the U.S. population at large. From 1976 to 2005, 18- to 24-year-olds – both male and more gentle females – committed homicide at a rate of 29.9 per 100,000. Twenty-five- to 35-year-olds committed homicides at a rate of 15.8 per 100,000.

Since 9/11, about 1.6 million troops have served in either Iraq or Afghanistan. That makes the homicide rate among veterans of these wars 7.6 per 100,000 – or about one-third the homicide rate for their age group (18 to 35) in the general population of both sexes.

Interesting stats there they leave out, here's more


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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