> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Obama Inspiring Inner City Entrepeneurial Spirit

Friday, January 23, 2009

Obama Inspiring Inner City Entrepeneurial Spirit

Even the heroin dealers are getting in on Obamamania, funny I don't seem to recall Bush inspiring any illicit drug sales in Harlem or elsewhere...I'm sure Obama will also bring much business to the tattoo parlors around the country as well along with perhaps a line of Boones farm wines would go well with the Obama dinnerware.

Who said Obama would be bad for the economy?
Barack Smack Seized -

January 23, 2009: "JANUARY 23--Add heroin to the scores of products that have been branded with President Barack Obama's name. Cops in upstate New York this week broke up a drug ring that allegedly sold heroin under several brand names, including 'Obama.' As seen in Sullivan County Sheriff's Office photos, the president's surname was stamped in red ink on small glassine wrappers that were peddled by street dealers. Investigators arrested five suspects for their alleged roles in the narcotics distribution activity. The branding of illicit drugs is a favorite of pushers, who have previously sold bin Laden heroin, Harry Potter Ecstasy, bricks of Teletubbies cocaine, and green-tinted crack in recognition of St. Patrick's Day. (2 pages)


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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