> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Kathy Griffen Reveals Why She's A "Z" lister Not A "D" Lister, Filthy Mouthed Wench

Today's world headlines

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Kathy Griffen Reveals Why She's A "Z" lister Not A "D" Lister, Filthy Mouthed Wench

What a deadbeat lowlife this woman is, and whoever would spend a dime to see or hear this skank is simply beyond me, as Einstein famously said:
Ah, that explains it and this:


New York Post: "Comedienne Kathy Griffin may be doomed to life on CNN's S-list after answering a heckler with a shrieking, vulgar tirade during the network's live New Year's Eve broadcast.

'Screw you,' she told the heckler. 'Why don't you get a job, buddy? You know what? I don't go to your job and knock the d- - - out of your mouth.'" read more about this skank here


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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