> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Chicago's New Taxes & Fees "Screwing The People" More and More Each Year

Today's world headlines

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Chicago's New Taxes & Fees "Screwing The People" More and More Each Year

As a Cook County Board led by Todd Stroger rapes Illinoisans and tourists left and right with Mayor Daley at the top of the heap, meanwhile they continue to steal and waste taxpayer monies left and right. Stroger was nothing more than an inept patriarchal appointment basically installed in power the typical Chicago Way, the job was his fathers before his.

Here's his blog he started
and stopped posting to almost immediately when citizens started tearing him a new money hole.

Here's Strogers Family & Friends Hiring Plan Obama Is Now Utilizing In Washington

Exposing Todd Stroger: A County In Crisis See the CBS local news expose this bum..

And this style of politics and so called leadership American's just chose to bring to Washington in the most crucial times in our recent history except for the Civil rights era, the Civil War, and The Revolutionary war itself? This is what you Obama people think is going to be so so great for America as a whole in it's ailing moments, Illinois and Chicago politics. Incredible stupidity reigns.

click pic to enlarge

Chicago's new taxes a nickel-and-dime burden

chicagotribune.com: "The pocketbooks of Chicago residents, workers and visitors won't be gobbled up by a big, single tax bite at the start of the year, but they could be nibbled to pieces as the year progresses.

Mayor Richard Daley's budget includes dozens of new or higher taxes and fees to raise an extra $53 million. It also has noticeable cuts, including the end of the free trolleys used by hordes of tourists since 2000 and fewer downtown traffic aides.

The taxes and fees were part of what Ald. Robert Fioretti (2nd) calls a 'nickel-and-dime' approach to balancing the city budget. Like nearly all his colleagues, Fioretti voted for them in late November, but this week he questioned whether city and county taxes and fees had reached a tipping point.

'My constituents are saying they will have to move out of the city, and I'm hearing it also from suburbanites who say they can no longer afford to come into the city,' he said. 'I'm concerned. I'm more than concerned at this point.'" more misery here


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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