This is lets not forget a congressman who's filthy hands (and I mean filthy literally) are all over the mortgage mess already as a primary cause of this worldwide banking collapse and now he's been fully exposed tying to quietly and secretly funnel and sneak boatloads of American tax dollars in the form of dreaded "TARP" funds to none other than a home state friendly owned bank!
(OneUnited Boston Branch pictured here)

After this revelation below makes some newscasts and websites other than the few conservative ones like this one now airing the charges, just maybe with a little luck more Americans will start holding these bums that love to stick it to Americans both while coming and going responsible for their often illegal actions, (while cumming in Franks case).
Caught!! Barney cops what he thought
was a private feel of a fan at a campaign stop
was a private feel of a fan at a campaign stop

OneUnited sought Frank's help for TARP funds !!
Boston Business Journal:: "Boston’s OneUnited Bank received $12 million in federal rescue funds last month just weeks after regulators issued a cease-and-desist order to overhaul some of its lending and executive compensation practices.
Details of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.’s official enforcement action against OneUnited and the bank's pending $12 million infusion were first reported Dec. 5 in a Page 1 article in the Boston Business Journal. The Wall Street Journal reported Thursday that the tiny bank received the bailout money after gaining influential support from Massachusetts congressman and House Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank.
The funds came from the U.S. Treasury’s Troubled Asset Relief Program.
The FDIC’s cease-and-desist order said OneUnited must cut financial ties to a California-based limited liability company that owns a beachfront home in Santa Monica. OneUnited Chairman and CEO Kevin Cohee and his wife, Teri Williams, who also is the bank’s president, control the LLC, according to records with the California Secretary of State’s office.
The bank also pays for a Porsche for Cohee’s personal use."
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