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Friday, January 30, 2009

Democrat website Learns The Wrath Of Rush Fans

They misunderestimate (little Bushism there) the power of the talk radio audience and hopefully are learning a lesson about the massive backlash they'll be the recipients of if they decide to head down the path of the Un Fairness Doctrine.

We wrote about this site that instituted an petition in defense of Hussein Obama after he ridiculously invoked Limbaugh's name like the slight of hand expert he is he is at a meeting with republicans, thereafter Limbaugh and his millions of fans myself included started schooling the boy king and his court jesters & jokers.

Schools out Barry Hussein Obama, Muslim Boy King

Rush fans pummel Democrat website:

WND "A petition by the Democratic National Congressional Committee critical of Rush Limbaugh is backfiring as supporters of the talk radio icon pummel the party website with their own views.

Hundreds of people have signed the petition, which is introduced with the request to 'Stand strong against Rush Limbaugh's Attacks – sign our petition, telling Rush what you think of his attacks on President Obama.'

But contributors to the comment section of the petition, with few exceptions, have endorsed Limbaugh and his expressed desire for the failure of Obama's policies.

'Why [are] the public servants of the people that were elected by the people attacking a private citizen? Who is next - me?' said one post. 'This is all the more reason TO LISTEN to RUSH LIMBAUGH. I HOPE OBAMA'S POLICIES FAIL TOO.'

Another contributor wrote: "I also hope this president fails, along with the current Congress. Many of the policies in the making are socialist. Creating a class of Americans dependent on the government is weakening this country and making it vulnerable to attack. We need fewer taxes, fewer regulations, and a lot less government intervention. I support Rush Limbaugh and his right to free speech. He loves this country and wants to keep it strong and a force for good. You seem to want the exact opposite."

The petition cites Limbaugh's recent statement that he hopes Obama fails, but many commenters on the Democrat website point out the radio host has explained he was taken out of context.

"Not that any of you Dems care but this is the rest of what Rush said," said one contributor.

"We're going to have to wait to see what he does. Now if he turns out to be a Reagan, if he adds Reagan to his recipe of FDR and Lincoln and if he does cut some taxes – if he does not eliminate the Bush tax cuts, I would call that success. So yes, I would hope he would succeed if he acts like Reagan. But if he's going to do FDR – if he's going to do The New New Deal all over, which we will call here The Raw Deal – why would I want him to succeed? Look, he's my president. The fact that he is historic is irrelevant to me now. It matters not at all. If he is going to implement a far-left agenda… Look, I think it's already decided: a $2 trillion in stimulus? The growth of government? I think the intent here is to create as many defendant Americans as possible looking to government for their hope and salvation.

If he gets nationalized Healthcare I mean, it's over, Sean. We're never going to roll that back. That's the end of America as we have known it, because that's then going to set the stage for everything being government owned, operated, or provided. Why would I want that to succeed? I don't believe in that. I know that's not how this country is going to be great in the future; it's not what made this country great. So I shamelessly say, 'No! I want him to fail.' If his agenda is a far-left collectivism – some people say socialism – as a conservative heartfelt, deeply, why would I want socialism to succeed?"

Said another, "I know… it's crazy that a conservative Republican would want liberal Democrats to fail. WEIRD. (Story continues)"


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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