> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Who You Gonna Rob, An Armed Man Like Myself or Unarmed Person?

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Who You Gonna Rob, An Armed Man Like Myself or Unarmed Person?

With the end of the year upon us and a looming illegal Obama administration and the possible lawlessness it may or may not bring, the answer to that question I asked a three year old could deliver the proper answer to, but not a full fledged bleeding heart full grown and fully indoctrinated liberal, that much we know as Americans with our recent memories of the left.

Joseph Farah, editor/creator/owner of WorldNetDaily cited some interesting statistics the other day in his OP ED that bear immediate attention with Obama coming into office, regardless of his constant flipflopping on the issue of not making any significant changes to US gun codes and the second amendment. Also despite his illegality to hold the office of president that our now treasonous government seems intent on completely ignoring, so our second amendment rights certainly can't be too far behind on the "shred the constitution"agenda of the left in the year ahead.

More gun shows = fewer murders:

WorldNetDaily I'll bet that's a headline you've never seen before.

You will probably never see it, again.

But it's the truth.

With a new Congress and a new president taking office next month, you are bound to hear more calls for closing the so-called "gun-show loophole," that permits American citizens in many states to buy guns without ridiculous and counterproductive waiting periods.

There will be an all-out effort to renew the slow, plodding, incremental, long-term goal of banning and restricting the sale of as many firearms as possible. It will likely start with gun shows – one of the easiest targets of the gun-grabbers.

They will cite all kinds of bogus statistics to support their claims that gun shows spell nothing but death and destruction.

What they won't cite, however, is a groundbreaking study of the impact of gun shows on homicides. They can't – because it shows just the opposite of what they claim to be true.

Mark Duggan and Randi Hjalmarsson of the University of Maryland and Brian A. Jacob of the University of Michigan teamed up to examine the evidence in a scientific study of the impact of gun shows on murder and suicide and accidental deaths.

What they found is shocking because it supports the headline above.

They looked at 3,417 gun shows in two very different states – Texas and California – during an 11-year period. And they examined vital statistics data on suicides, homicides and accidental gun deaths in the weeks following them.

What were the results?

"We find a sharp decline in the number of gun homicides in the weeks immediately following a gun show," they concluded. Furthermore, in Texas they found "gun shows reduce the number of gun homicides by 16 in the average year."

Once again, here's hard evidence of the theory that more guns equals less crime. And it shouldn't shock us. It only does because we've been so conditioned to accepting the illogic of the gun-grabbers that states the opposite as fact – without any evidence to support it.

Think about it.

If you are a criminal, are you more likely to target someone who is armed or unarmed?

The answer is as obvious as the .45 on my desk. continued


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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