> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Five Minutes Our Present Crop of Government Officials Need To ReLearn and Now

Today's world headlines

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Five Minutes Our Present Crop of Government Officials Need To ReLearn and Now

We've let the government of today steal our constitutional rights right from under our feet and noses and as Thomas Jefferson once said, "we only have the rights that we are willing to fight for".

Now is the time to fight as Barack Hussein Obama has been allowed to illegally run and then win the office of the presidency while being ineligible to even enter the government to begin with, much less become our leader. Libertarian Michael Badnarik has numerous wonderfully useful and informative YouTube classes/videos on this issue, and this is one of them, 5 minutes our present government officials need to be schooled on before being tried for treason to the country and it's citizens, we the people.

New cases are cropping up approaching the Obama "standing" issue and catch 22 from different angles and WorldNetDaily is reporting on those new suits which are crafted in Washington state with a military colonel as the plaintiff which is a brilliant idea by Philip Berg who also has his present suit awaiting conference with again the supreme court. There is another one being filed by this citizen and here's another effort looking for volunteers in CA from members of congress to stand up and fight on this issue when the vote counting takes place in congress on the 9th.

Message to Congress: Protect Constitution Effort seeks volunteers to challenge eligibility

Eligibility case finds 'standing'? New suit claims unique state law enables citizens to demand proof


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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