> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Whatchu Tawkin 'Bout Willis?! Gary Coleman On Utah's Police Frequent Flier Program

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Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Whatchu Tawkin 'Bout Willis?! Gary Coleman On Utah's Police Frequent Flier Program

Gary Coleman keeps up Hollywood's fine tradition of taking young children and using them for everything their worth then spitting 'em out like chewed tobacco and moving on to the next child to exploit, usually making nobody parents rich and spoiled as they themselves turn into sycophantic Hollywood hangers on, with Lindsay Lohan's quite visible mother is one of the finest recent examples of this unique breed of human slug.

Coleman and his "Different Strokes" TV show sidekicks as we know have easily been the most troubled cast in TV sitcom history, and that's actually quite a feat with all the problem citizens that fairy tale town and life has spit out into society over it's hundred year history, sadly beginning with Dana Plato leaving this world far too soon after years and years of well documented troubles f0llowed her everywhere she went until the very day she died. Todd Bridges has also seen two lifetimes worth of trouble in his life and it appears Coleman is quietly setting a course for early death himself according to a news report showing up online yesterday.

This picture below is Coleman with his 22 year old wife who seems to be the source of most of Coleman's trips and contacts with the Utah PD who have registered 22 contacts with the Colemans in just a few short years.

Gary Coleman has habit of police involvement:

My Way News - SANTAQUIN, Utah (AP) - Gary Coleman, who makes it no secret that he likes his privacy and wants to be left alone, chose to settle in small-town Utah - far away from the paparazzi and autograph seekers of his former life as a TV star.

But a rocky romance, a prescription pill overdose and sometimes contentious interactions with the public have brought him unwanted attention here, where public records show a pattern of Coleman involving police in his personal life.

Officers have been called to assist or intervene with Coleman 21 times since he moved to Utah in fall 2005, according to police reports - including a July 2007 call where Coleman told authorities he had taken dozens of Oxycontin pills, was suicidal and 'wanted to die.'

'Gary ... was upset that his girlfriend was breaking up with him. He calmed down and was cooperative and acknowledged he took approx(imately) 30-40 Oxycontin pills. He said he is suicidal and 'wanted to die,'' according to a police report.

Coleman could not be reached for comment. His phone number is unlisted, nobody answered a call button at his home and messages left with Coleman's agent and an attorney were not immediately returned.

"Coleman, 40, has acknowledged attempting suicide in the past, saying in a 1993 television interview he had tried to kill himself twice by overdosing on pills.

In April of this year, police were called to Coleman's home because they were told he was having marital problems and threatened to harm himself, although police didn't find him suicidal.

Documents show Coleman has long had a tumultuous relationship with his now-wife, Shannon Price, 23. The two met in Utah on the set of the 2006 comedy, 'Church Ball.'"


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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