> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: What Will Happen To America If We Keep Placating Muslims ? Ask Britain.

Friday, December 5, 2008

What Will Happen To America If We Keep Placating Muslims ? Ask Britain.

What's happened to Britain over the past decade is an absolute blow by blow blueprint of what we can expect America to look like in a few decades if this country doesn't get through it's head that Islam is not our friend, and has full intentions of dominating every nation it's allowed to spread in, like cancerous tumor without chemo it grows and grows until it takes over completely choking off modern Western life wherever it spreads including this one next.

Just look at the level of which that country placates their Muslim population, as Brits are quickly becoming the minority in their own homeland to where Muhammad is now the most popular name for newborn boys. So it's no wonder this primary school below takes it's traditional Christmas Nativity play and shoves after Christmas into the New Year in lieu of celebrating a Muslim Festival instead with absolutely no compunction whatsoever .

Talk about insults. The parents of the non Muslim students, who happen to be the class majority by the way, were contacted by letter of this dumb maneuver that understandably set off a firestorm of protest which made no difference whatsoever to the school officials, except to blab out the now obligatory "well, we have to placate all the other religious views". I see, so to do that they move the Christian celebration in the Christian country depriving the Christians of their timely celebration for Muslim celebration?

This is what ridiculous over the top political correctness in this all inclusive society we've no created breeds, in fact we just had a similar situation here in the states with a bunch of PC weenies complaining about a Thanksgiving celebration with young children done for 40 some years that all of a sudden is offensive to three or four people who try to get the thing canceled or changed around to their liking. You can see that incident here if you missed it.

Used to be that countries had to taken over and conquered by force, but not nowadays. No, all the invading people need to do is cry racism or inequality in their particular host country and everyone bends over backwards changing their centuries old cultures around to placate the invaders who in most cases are always Muslims. The world is cowering in the face of the Islam onslaught and will one day regret allowing the culture to be subverted in deference to the so called Religion Of peace as it both both quietly and forcefully takes over every western nation on the planet.

They've already conquered Britain and France without firing a single shot and you can bet your bottom dollar this country is next on their list, and they're moving full speed ahead with groups like CAIR laying the societal groundwork for the invasion.

The traditional nativity play was cancelled at a primary school in
Nottingham and rescheduled for the New Year after parents were
told it would interfere with the Muslim festival of Eid (File picture)

School cancels nativity play because it interferes with Muslim festival of Eid

| Mail Online: "A primary school infuriated parents after cancelling the traditional Christmas nativity play to make way for the Muslim festival of Eid.

Parents at the Nottingham school were told that the planned performance had to be pulled because some of the pupils wanted to celebrate Eid at home with their families.

In a letter, sent by the staff at Greenwood Junior School, mothers and fathers were told: 'It is with much regret that we have had to cancel this year's Christmas performances."

'This is due to the Eid celebrations that take place next week and its effect on our performers.'

However, following a barrage of complaints, a second letter was issued saying the show had 'not been cancelled outright' but has been postponed until the New Year.

The follow-up letter, sent by headteacher Amber Latif and chair of governors Yvonne Wright, apologised for the 'misunderstanding' caused by the first correspondence.

It read: 'We are a very inclusive school and fully respect the cultures and religions of all the children.

'We are upset to know that some of our parents/carers have been offended by the letter.

'The Christmas performance has not been cancelled outright but has been postponed until the New Year.'

Mum Janette Lynch, whose seven-year-old son Keanu attends the school, said she was angered that the performance had been moved until after Christmas. continued


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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