> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Today's The Day They Likely Put OJ Away

Friday, December 5, 2008

Today's The Day They Likely Put OJ Away

UPDATE 12:00 pm cst THE END FOR OJ

Original post below
This has been a long road for this guy, from poverty to superstardom on the football field to Hollywood D list celebrity and paid spokesman basically on top of the world to acquitted murderer who ended up going down for armed robbery stealing back his own sh** or memorabilia.

Talk about Karma............. he sure blew it and in a big way.

He will now likely die in prison and there are certainly at least two families who are damn glad about that, the Goldmans and Browns, and one that certainly isn't, his. What a terrible ordeal this had to have been for all involved but the saddest thing is the poor children of OJ and Nicole now don't even have a father, who in spite of likely killing their mother seemed by most accounts to still loved by them remarkably, but hey, he's their dad. Now he's gone forever and they will have to fend for themselves after living a pretty upscale life for the most part minus the ordeal of losing their mother obviously.

What a tragic tale, today it basically comes to an en for all intents an purposes.

O.J. Simpson sentence likely to be at least 18 years

ESPN - : "It was a bad few minutes for O.J. Simpson late on a Friday evening in early October, when 12 angry jurors unanimously pronounced him guilty of kidnapping and robbery and a Las Vegas judge instantly ordered him handcuffed and taken to jail. And it's been a bad nine weeks for him since then, sitting alone in a small cell in the Clark County Jail awaiting the next step in the legal process.

But on Friday morning, it will be much worse.

With his legs shackled in irons and his hands chained to his sides, Simpson, in a dark blue prison jumpsuit, will stand before District Court Judge Jackie Glass as she pronounces his sentence.

Glass, a jurist with a flair for the melodramatic, is likely to begin with a stern lecture. And she is likely to end with a prison sentence that will keep the 61-year-old Simpson behind bars in Nevada for 18 years and possibly more.

Court probation officials have been investigating Simpson for weeks, preparing a recommendation that will be a critical factor in Judge Glass' decision. In most cases, probation officials are inclined to suggest sentences that are more lenient. But according to recently filed court documents, the probation officers in Simpson's case are suggesting a sentence of 18 years. Even worse, it will be 18 years of actual incarceration before there can be any consideration of parole." continued


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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