> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: This Is What The IL Governor Called For Just Yesterday

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Tuesday, December 9, 2008

This Is What The IL Governor Called For Just Yesterday

Like Bill Clinton wagging the dog during the Lewisnky scandal this lying SOB actually called for the State of Illinois to cut and sever all contracts and state ties to Bank Of America to extort them into re considering the firing of these employees here in Chicago, the ones you've been reading about who have Illegally taken over a shuttered factory because they were all let go by this, their former place of employment Republic Windows and Doors.

Every democrat in Illinois, that's DICK Durbin, Lisa Madigan, of coarse Blago himself, Richard Daley and yes the biggest one of all Barack Hussein Obama have all been involved in one way or another trying to extort this company and the Bank of America into infusing funds into the company at whatever cost to allow them to pay off the layed off employees with severance, union employees, and yet Obama just came out in Washington minutes ago and said incredulously "I have had no contact with the Governor in quite a while"

If you believe crap then I just don't know if there's any hope for you I'm afraid, just stick your head in a plastic bag and do the world a favor please.

This news made worldwide website coverage this morning ahead of Blago being hauled away in cuffs as my blog here is obviously featuring, for instance here's a story on the BBC website with a picture of Blago chumming around for votes and good pub with the lawbreaking employees, the ones who've commandeered the property and their pic and pullquote follow:

" Take some of that federal tax money that
they've received and invest it by providing the
necessary credit to this company so these workers
can keep their jobs "

That Money" is our money and if he's tossing it around with absolutely no authority just imagine what other politicos are doing around the country with threats and begging and borrowing. This man is such a human disgrace anyone who associated with this obvious pathological scum must be of equal scum or simply incredible stupidity, like Barack Obama perhaps fits both those descriptions. Here's Obama's involvement

God help us all, these people are the chosen leaders by a preponderance of liberals in my state and now in our country. Lord Almighty.

Illinois governor to cut state ties to BofA -

Business | CharlotteObserver.com: "CHICAGO Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich ordered all state agencies Monday to stop doing business with Bank of America to try to pressure the bank into helping laid-off workers staging a sit-in at their shuttered factory.

The governor wants the North Carolina-based bank to use some of its federal bailout money to resolve the protest by about 200 workers at Republic Windows and Doors.

The company closed last week with just a few days' notice, and the workers have promised to remain inside the factory in shifts until they get assurances they will receive their severance and vacation pay.

Leah Fried, an organizer for the United Electrical Workers union, said the company told the union that Bank of America canceled its financing. Bank of America said Saturday it wasn't responsible for Republic's financial obligations to its employees." continued here


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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