> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: The Stench From The Political Swamp Becomes Unbearable

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Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Stench From The Political Swamp Becomes Unbearable

If this past week hasn't waken up the masses as to why Politicians like Barack Hussein Obama, Rham Emmanuel, Rod Blagoyevich and the rest of the Chicago Daley Machine cogs should never be held up as saviors and Messiahs as the left has done with Obama they will remain sheep forever.

That is what I can' understand as to why these people are so ignorant of world history that the only time in man's history that leaders have been held up as saviors they end up being enslavers and corrupt then either jailed or dead failures. It's inevitable and it's happening again this time before it's really even begun.

How Obamavoters can actually believe that their Messiah is the one and only clean politician from the Chicago pol assembly line that contains NOTHING BUT CROOKS is absolutely beyond delusional and downright psychotic. The same people that put Blago in office put Obama in office and they're gonna get the very same thing in return, scandal, corruption and disappointment never seen on the national level until Obama brought the Crook County Stink To Washington.

Below a former politician explains why this is and how bad it actually, is and wonders just like us what we need to do about it. Here's the simple answer; tell Obama and everyone on down that we are not gonna stand for the likes of him and his close friend Blagoyevich any longer, demanding he stand now before the people and cleanse himself from this stank.

If ever there was a time a president elect should resign it's now and the coming months will prove that statement to be true far beyond a preponderance of the evidence that will manifest as Blago opts to sing on his former friend and supporter Obama, and subsequently the vaunted and hated Chicago machine unravels .
Why More and More Politicians Are Rotten to the Core -

Matt Towery :Townhall.com: "That the governor of Illinois would attempt to sell a U.S. Senate seat didn't shock me. Across America, there is a growing sense of entitlement among more and more elected officials. Not all, of course, but too many.

From city councils to Congress, elected positions have evolved from their intended part-time status to full-time obsessions. And as governments have grown, so have their access to big money. Political leaders now hold life-and-death fiscal power over people and businesses.

Most states' legislatures were designed to be part-time, citizens' deliberative bodies. The harvest schedules of old agrarian societies were a reason. So were comparatively modest government budgets.

Now most state legislators, no matter how green, are approached from the start of their terms by genuflecting lobbyists, business leaders and civic groups. These legislators understand that their new jobs are essentially year-round ones. Committee meetings, special sessions and the like are essentially gimmickry to keep elected officials in their respective capital cities as often as possible.

How do these people make a living? There's the hitch. Some are independently wealthy. Some own companies they don't run. Others have understanding bosses. But in way too many cases, elected officials are drawn to elective or appointed office for the power and prestige. Only later do they realize they've got no way to pay for the necessities of life, much less for the conspicuous consumption they continually see as part of the world of elected officials. please continue


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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