> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Gay Prop 8 Gestapo Sets It's Sites On The Real Scourge, A 77 Year Old Lady

Today's world headlines

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Gay Prop 8 Gestapo Sets It's Sites On The Real Scourge, A 77 Year Old Lady

What Courage This Took

This is a story of a poor victim of the Pro Prop 9 Gay Gestapo on a basic rampage since their gay marriage measure has been crapcanned again and again by California, Florida and Arizona voters thank goodness after being overturned when it was overturned not by the voters but a bunch of Gay sympathizing judges in the screwball loving 9th Circuit like the renegades they are. So in reality the vote never should have taken place had not these activist judges taken the people's voices and illegally overturned them, a fact totally lost on the psychotic gestapo.

So instead of picketing local gun clubs that likely are filled with prop 8 opponents like mine is, or Golds Gyms around the area likely filled with pro and con voters who might just kick the living crap out o these peopel when they get our of line they pick on a 77 year old restaurant greeter causing her to lose or resign her job to feed herself and family. I see, fight what they call hate with more hate, that makes sense. This is not the way to gain sympathy and they'll never get with mob scenes and gestapo SS tactics like this.

I'm trying to send this lady a month's rent and encourage others to try and help her any way you might be able, to even with a card of support for her courage in the face of these monsters, to show her at least parts of America are still a great places to live, and thank her for all the likely good deeds and hard work she's done through her life as a religious woman that will likely end now that she's probably afraid to leave her house for fear of these monsters.

All for defending the sacred ceremony and bond of marriage.

El Coyote Manager Resigns After Prop 8 Protests:

LAist "Marjorie Christoffersen, who was the most popular person at the 77-year-old restaurant, reportedly resigned Saturday after coming under fire for a $100 donation to support banning gay marriage in Califiornia. For her, she was going with what her Mormon leaders were saying even though her restaurant had been a gay friendly hang for years. El Coyote became one of the centerpieces of the boycott debate over where the line should be drawn on employee/management donations political causes. A protest was held outside the restaurant (see photos here) and many vowed never to eat thre again."



The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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