> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Questionable associations of Obama Are a Major Issue Again & Again

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Thursday, December 11, 2008

Questionable associations of Obama Are a Major Issue Again & Again

This subject and these issues will never end during an Obama presidency and there just may be no Obama presidency once the media finally realizes they just cannot hide the mountain of stick surrounding Obama and continue to protect him any longer.

For instance how long can they not report that Balgoyevich's wife was directly involved with Rezco in the Obama home purchase that has not been ever FULLY vetted and reported on to include the Blago angle. Those days are over now. Let's go back over the Obama Chicago Blago connections thanks to this fine AP piece excerpted below:

Here's a link to a story where Patty Blago just left the real estate shtick in August of last year to accept a post at a non profit org in Chicago that receives $350,000 of state monies every year, little pay for play there reverse where Blago puts the squeeze on the non profit to hire his wife for the state money? You be the judge.

Questionable associations of Obama

- AP News - Zimbio: "GOV. ROD BLAGOJEVICH: Obama has maintained a cordial but distant relationship with Blagojevich during the governor's tenure.

He has complimented Blagojevich for running 'a sound administration' with 'the right priorities.' He supported his fellow Democrat for re-election in 2006, even though the governor backed someone else over Obama in the U.S. Senate Democratic primary.

Obama's circle of major Illinois political allies and supporters is largely separate from Blagojevich's, with two major exceptions. Both Obama and Blagojevich got extensive money and support from Chicago businessman Antoin 'Tony' Rezko. At least one top aide to Obama, Michael Strautmanis, previously worked for Blagojevich."

But Blagojevich's disdain for Obama was clear in court documents released Tuesday after the Illinois governor was arrested. Blagojevich, accused by federal prosecutors of conspiring to sell or trade for personal benefits the Senate seat left vacant by Obama, was overheard complaining at one point that Obama's people are "not going to give me anything except appreciation." He added: "(Expletive) them."

Obama said Tuesday, "I had no contact with the governor or his office, and so I was not aware of what was happening."

ANTOIN REZKO: "Tony" Rezko, who raised money for the campaigns of both Obama and Blagojevich, is awaiting sentencing after being convicted in June on charges of using clout with Blagojevich's administration to help launch a $7 million kickback scheme.

The charges have no connection to Obama, but Rezko is tied to the Illinois senator in other ways.

Rezko and his family donated at least $21,457 to Obama and helped raise over $200,000 more, though not for his presidential bid. He also advised Obama on the purchase of a new Chicago home and, in his wife's name, purchased a vacant lot next door to the new Obama home when the seller wanted to dispose of both properties at the same time. Rezko then sold a slice of the property to Obama.

Obama has donated Rezko's contributions to charity and says it was a mistake to work with Rezko on buying the house. Continued Here


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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