What an insult to the likes of Martin Luther King and the long line of other African Americans, true African Americans who've actually accomplished something of remark, people who gave their entire lives to the civil rights struggle int his country who had to die working their fingers to the bone and of coarse 2 at the wrong end of guns to be recognized with such an honor, an honor this fraud will in all likelihood never deserve, ever.
Although elected and indeed the first man of color to be so in this country, this man hasn't even been inaugurated yet, and may never be if the millions of Americans challenging his birth authenticity have their say which they will starting Friday. And if all you people on the far left who've spent 8 years questioning the Bush presidency and it's legitimacy, we haven't even begun to challenge this man's legitimacy, we haven't even begun the fight. All this man has to do to call off the dogs is supply America with his true birth credentials which he REFUSES to do, $900,000 worth thus far!
Once Obama proves his legitimacy, is then inaugurated without this Black Cloud hanging over his administration and entire presidency, and then proceeds down the path of some real accomplishments as a president, we'll all look at those then and THEN decide as a country whether or not this man has even came close to being a great president, and a great African American president at that.
Then and only then will this man be a man of historic proportion deserving a holiday named after his achievements. Then, not 2 months before he's even been seated in the White House.

Ala. county sets 'Barack Obama Day' as new holiday:
AP "MARION, Ala. (AP) - A small central Alabama county whose mainly black residents gave Barack Obama more than 70 percent of the vote on Election Day has created an annual holiday in honor of the president-elect.
The Perry County Commission voted 4 to 1 to observe the second Monday in November as 'The Barack Obama Day.' County offices will close and its roughly 40 workers will get a paid holiday.
The sponsoring commissioner, Albert Turner Jr., said the holiday is meant to highlight the Democratic president-elect's victory as a way to give people faith that difficult goals can be achieved.
The majority of the county's 12,000 residents are black.
The county commission's three black members and one of its two white members voted for the resolution.
Commissioner Brett Harrison said Wednesday he voted against the resolution because of the holiday costs to the county, which has a $2.2 million annual payroll and is one of the poorest in the state. He said closing the courthouse would also idle some state employees.
'I'm a Democrat, but just in these financial times, it's not using the county's money wisely,' Harrison told The Associated Press by phone Wednesday. 'The recognition is certainly well-founded.'
Turner said copies of the resolution, adopted at a Nov. 25 meeting, have been mailed to"
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