Although had Thompson run a better campaign himself in the first place I guess he might have been the nominee, but let's not forget McCain was the Media's choice as well so that had a lot to do with it in my opinion at least. Truthfully I've begun to wonder if maybe these guys didn't even really want the job to begin with, after what Bush has been through who could blame them? Especially for Thompson when he can make a cushy living being an actor as he is returning to now after swearing off politics.

Fred Thompson: Obama, Pelosi, Reid Will Be 'A Mess':
The Hill's Blog Briefing Room » "Former Sen. Fred Thompson (R-Tenn.) said he's 'concerned' about the relationship between President-elect Barack Obama, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.).
'Oh, it will be a mess,' Thompson said on Fox News's 'Your World With Cavuto.'
Thompson, a failed candidate for the 2008 GOP presidential nomination, praised Obama for his Cabinet appointments so far.
“He's certainly, with his appointments and with the things that he's said since the election, predictably, he's moved more toward the center. And that's a good thing,' he said.
He also warned Obama not to raise taxes and criticized the use of federal money to bailout companies.
'We're going down the road of spending ourselves to prosperity,' Thompson said. 'And we're going to wake up a little bit later on, we and our children, and see that we have committed, obligated ourselves, and maybe spent trillions of dollars that we don't have.'
Thompson, a former actor on 'Law and Order,' ruled out another run for office and said he plans to get back into acting. His next role will be as a guest star in the police drama 'Life on Mars.'"
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