> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Freedom of Speech Regarding The Messiah Taking A Hit In Alaska It Appears

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Friday, December 19, 2008

Freedom of Speech Regarding The Messiah Taking A Hit In Alaska It Appears

At least in the form of so called racist jokes directed at the Messiah, the new "hear all, see all , and do all" Fuhrer America's left was so wise in electing this past November. A man who successfully knocked the American Media so far on it's heels that they now worship him on their knees before him have now uncovered a scandalous email that, get this, tells a nasty racial joke about he, the wise one.

Of all the nerve! Who do these people think they are sending emails on government computers who dare Mock The Messiah? One thing for certain is ye shall burn at the stake of the mighty government and its media arm, the Associated Press Of Obama Inc. for daring to make fun of our new Fuhrer, for he is the untouchable one, the all wise and mighty Obama, above all scorn and ridicule, for he is America's chosen one and deserves no scorn as he delivers America to the promised land of Milk and Honey. My ass he is, a false idol not unlike any other false Messiah the left uses as it's religion, now it's the religion of Global Warming and the Mighty Obama.

Makes me wanna puke this guy and his followers including the media do exerytime I hear or see him or they.

So now it looks someone's career will be ruined for simply passing around a frigging joke about Obama on a work computer, which of coarse was not a very smart thing to do since it has been determined that such communications are the property of the computer owners which in this case is the Sarah Palin governed state of Alaska.

Here's the subject line of one of the "offensive" emails recovered from the computers apparently: “Night Befo Crizzmus,” Here's the whole email that's commonly found and distributed quite freely under the free speech clause of our Constitution that seems to offend liberals and Africans the most of anyone in America for some reason. It's freedom for all speech folks, not just the nicey mushy stuff that isn't offensive to some person or another. And frankly the email and poem, which is obviously a take off of 'Twas the night before Christmas is pretty darn funny, and I bet many African Americans would think so as well if asked and the link is to an African American woman's blog.

Here's another version of it this one directed right at Obama by the way

Oh the horror!! Can you imagine, my goodness how terrible, mocking the way many African Americans talk, although the black comedians themselves are often the worst offenders of such humor and mocking. For instance just rent an Eddie Murphy's SNL Greatest Hits from Netflix and pay particular attention the Buckwheat skits he used to do, that weren't exactly done in the 1800's. We sure didn't hear a big uproar from the left then about mocking African Americans and their sometime colorful use of language that at that time was actually being called Ebonics and some brilliant left winger in Oakland California was trying to have it deemed a valid study worthy form of English if you can remember that dumb a**ed idea , I sure do.

In fact here's a skit right here, contains dirty language of coarse...

Lesson here? DO not speaketh with forked tongue of the Mighty Obama or risk grave retribution....then just think of all the offensive shit we've heard day in and day out from the lunatic fringe BDS crowd regarding president Bush and his family, daughters included. This racist anything Obama angle is gonna be so used and abused over the next four years the word wil be meaningless as are most of the charges of such already. They're just watering down the word, it's meaning and effectiveness with all this crying wolf over spilt milk/

Racist e-mails target Obama |

Spokesman.com |Dec 18, 2008: "ANCHORAGE, Alaska – Alaska officials are investigating racist jokes about President-elect Barack Obama that have been circulating on state government e-mail accounts.

One of the five e-mails obtained by the Associated Press asks what was the outcome of the Democrat’s victory after all the time and money spent, and concludes: “Another black family living in government housing!”

State officials were unaware of the e-mails until asked about them by the AP.

Three of the racist messages were confirmed by the state’s information technology division after an electronic search of the government’s e-mail system, Administration Commissioner Annette Kreitzer said Wednesday.

“It’s embarrassing to the state,” she said.

Kreitzer said she alerted the office of Gov. Sarah Palin – the failed Republican vice presidential candidate – about the e-mails.

Bill McAllister, Palin’s spokesman, said in an e-mail that the matter concerned individual actions taken by a handful of state employees among thousands.

“My understanding is that the Department of Administration is following up on this with the individuals who took action to forward the offensive e-mails,” he said."


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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