> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Blago Finally Gets Wise To Rat Placard In His Escape Route

Today's world headlines

Friday, December 12, 2008

Blago Finally Gets Wise To Rat Placard In His Escape Route

I caught this photo and it's unmistakable irony the morning after Rod Blagojevich was exposed worldwide as a psychotic disgraced politician who seemed to believe he was living an episode of a TV drama of some sort, far removed from reality as he blatantly engaged in Pay To Play politics with Hussein Obama's vacated senate seat and a laundry list of felonious activity that will make OJ and Snoop Dogg look like Sesame street characters.

A senatorial seat that Obama himself didn't sit in long enough to even have a cup of coffee or fart in before miraculously bolting for the presidency in spite of his numerous "promises" he made to Illinoisans that were he elected to the senate he would not abscond to run for president as many predicted he was going to do. Lord behold he promptly did exactly that less than 120 days into his elected term, thus shattering his very first promise as a senator and presidential wannabe with no shame or regret whatsoever.. a behavioral defect that he has demonstrated throughout his adult life with the utmost perfection. He lies his a** off better than anyone in politics today, making Slick Willie look like a preschooler in the Democratic pathological liar derby.

I knew we had rats all over the city alleyways and garbage receptacles, but these 6 foot 2 legged species are becoming more and more prevalent with each passing day and are really hard to exterminate apparently/.

Hey Blago ... what happened to the rat sign?

:: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Gov. Blagojevich: "City Hall smells a rat behind the Northwest Side home of Gov. Blagojevich -- and it has nothing to do with the explosive corruption charges leveled against the governor.

Earlier this week, John White, the Chicago Sun-Times Pulitzer Prize-winning photographer, shot a picture of the governor ducking out of his Ravenswood Manor home and into a black SUV driven by his bodyguards to avoid passing through a news media gauntlet

The photo showed Blagojevich next to a city sign that said, 'Warning' and 'Target Rats' with a picture of a rat inside a red bulls-eye.

The delicious irony of an alleged political rat being photographed next to the warning sign about actual rats was apparently not lost on the governor, his family or staff.

On Friday morning, Blagojevich left his house by the same back door, but there was something missing. The rat sign had been taken down. That's even though it was posted by the city's Department of Streets and Sanitation on a wooden pol"


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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