> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Another Thing Honky's Can't Say But Black Governors Can?

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Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Another Thing Honky's Can't Say But Black Governors Can?

If all this new "Ghetto speak" is going to become the new lexicon and vernacular of the African American politicians today who find it too cumbersome to use traditional English per se, they'll have to make up an official list of things only "Black folks" can say and that "White Crackers" like me cant.

You know, like the Imus uproar over his usage of "Ho's" when he flippantly called the Rutgers girls basketball team "Nappy Headed Ho's" Vernacular the black community uses all the time in public conversation when describing black women, publicly played rap music uses it more often in their offerings than the word THE and equal to the word Bitch, and even some TV shows this speak is now creeping into.

Yet we cracker white folks aren't allowed to say any of it according to Snoop Dogg, Al Sharpton and other "Ghetto speak" authorities out there.

Then there's that notorious and downright nasty "N" word that whites are forbidden to use and most seldom do or utilize in any form or forum whatsoever lest risk being labeled a dirty white honky racist undesirable. A capital offense nowadays rendering the offender unemployable in the Hollywood field of employment or sportscasters employment, comedian employment or any employment for that matter if Jesse Jackson and again AL Sharpton gets wind of the offender in question.

Now we have a new one introduced to the world that many street wise honky's like myself have heard before, but would or could never utter or even print in public lest suffer the above described retribution for doing so. A little gem from the ghettos muttered by the somewhat new Gov of Jersey David Patterson, the cheating and embezzling politico that was placed in power ins spite of being under scrutiny for those very activities to replace the 20 yr old prostitute loving and frequenting Eliot Spitzer, a real government lowlife in a category of his very own.

This is what Patterson said at a public dinner at the Gridiron the other day:

Paterson's real goal, he said, is to follow in Barack Obama's footsteps and be President of the United States, because: 'Once you go black, you don't go back.'

Ok, now I think it's only fair if the black powers that be now publish a "Street Vocabulary do's and don't list" other than the Urban dictionary for all the unhip white folks out here, just to let us all know what insulting and disparaging things African Americans can say about themselves but whitey can't.

Then we'll happily in return draft up a list of things that black folks can't say about white folks without insulting us or getting their asses fired from their commentary jobs, political jobs, comedian and comedienne jobs, blogging jobs or every other job they, like us may work at and not want to lose for saying the wrong things now that we're on the subject.

After all what's fair is fair right? Especially since we now have an "African American" president in name only waiting in the White House on-deck circle, we're gonna need to be able to sift through all the upcoming "ghetto speak" that's sure to permeate the MassMedia for the next four years at least if not forever.
Gov. David Paterson at the Gridiron: He said what?

Shenanigans: - Politico.com: "New York Gov. David Paterson is getting rave reviews as one of the Gridiron Dinner speakers over the weekend.

The Gridiron dinner is an off-the-record dinner with journos and pols who sing songs, do skits and make fun of each other in the great wide open.

Paterson's speech was certainly no exception. Even though he became governor of New York in quite a surprising fashion, it’s not the governor title that he wants, apparently. Paterson's real goal, he said, is to follow in Barack Obama's footsteps and be President of the United States, because: 'Once you go black, you don't go back.'

He also joked about how he's receiving all these phone calls from people seeking to take HRC's Senate seat and played real voicemails from HRC, Chuck Schumer (who were in on the gag) and even himself.

Schumer: "Hi Dave. It’s Chuck Schumer. I thought I would let you know my view on the Senate race. I have one criteria above all. I would like a devout Evangelical. That way, there will be no competition for Sunday press conferences."

Hillary recommended that he not name a replacement, just have Schumer do both jobs. "Why does New York need two Senators, anyhow? I know it’s a stretch, but I promised him I’d ask you," her message says.

And Paterson's own message to himself ends with: "Actually, I was thinking. If Chuck Schumer held both seats, that would be counterveiling to the concept of one man, one vote. So we change the law to one ego, one vote."
Yuk yuk that so funny bro. About as funny as a blind governor who's admittedly indulged in illicit drug use just like Obama has admitted to and takes his mistress to romp around with to the very same motel rooms he visits with his wife, what a guy Mr Patterson you are yourself even though I hate Chuck Schumer.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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