> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Obama's Small Donor Myth One Big Crock Of Crapola

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Saturday, November 29, 2008

Obama's Small Donor Myth One Big Crock Of Crapola

Nice the MSM is finally putting away the Obama KoolAid they've been drunk on for two years, getting around to reporting the truth finally that the "Obama small donor myth" is exactly that a myth, just like the rest of his campaign full if lies. And rest assured they're going to be uncovered like dead bodies after a hurricane as the Media abdicated their primary and chief responsibility to the American people during this Obama love fest, and they should never be allowed to forget the 1/3rd assed job they did, not even a half assed one in undervetting this fraud.

Worst job done in the history of America, the absolute worst and the sad thing is it was done intentionally, and now America will pay the price for the ignorance of the collective Obama voters who neglected to investigate the extremely questionable & thin record of the candidate for themselves, depending on partisan imbeciles like John Stewart, Jay Leno, Bill Maher and SNL to deliver these miserably misinformed sad sacks their slanted left wing versions of the news. Enjoy the part because it isn't gonna last very long.

If they were so wrong in reporting the very basis of this frauds supposed popularity they may have been led to find out like many of us did that his campaign was bankrolled illegally by Muslims radical and otherwise around the world with other American enemies, hoping for an American president soft on terrorism and seeking to reduce American Power around the world, One Barack Obama fits that bill to a "T"

Report says Obama's small-donor base claim is off -

USATODAY.com: "WASHINGTON — Despite attracting millions of new contributors to his campaign, President-elect Barack Obama received about the same percentage of his total political funds from small donors as President Bush did in 2004, according to a study released today by the non-partisan Campaign Finance Institute.

The analysis undercuts Obama's claim that his supporters 'changed the way campaigns are funded' by reducing the influence of special-interest givers.

'The myth is that money from small donors dominated Barack Obama's finances,' said Michael Malbin, the institute's executive director. 'The reality of Obama's fundraising was impressive, but the reality does not match the myth.'"

About $156 million, or a quarter of Obama's record-shattering campaign account, came from donors of $200 or less, according to the institute's analysis of federal election reports through Oct. 15. That compares with $205 million, or about a third, from those who gave between $2,300 and $4,600, the maximum allowed by law.

Forty-eight percent of Obama's total take came from donors of $1,000 or more, compared with 56% for John Kerry and 60% for both Bush and John McCain, the analysis found. continued


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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