> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Obama's Election Hands Radical Jihad A Victory Says Al Queda Leader

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Sunday, November 9, 2008

Obama's Election Hands Radical Jihad A Victory Says Al Queda Leader

The whole Muslim world knows we just elected a Muslim president but the stubborn know it all folks on the left bought Obama's obvious lies and obfuscation regarding his upbringing and the Mideastern radicals are jumping for joy. (see last line of excerpt below)
All you leftists out there that blindly claimed that your candidate was not the hoped for victor in this past election got a little thank you message from the radical Jihadders, and we conservatives can at least claim exoneration for our claims that your candidate was and is the preferred winner for radical Islam.
Good job to all you folks, Osama and his friends like Abu Omar above, the purveyor of the message below, all love you now at least for a few minutes for making their future jobs fighting the west  much easier, not to mention their ultimate stated goal for an Islamic flip of America from a Judeo Christian to Islamic governed society by bringing down the country, a dream of theirs they believe now will soon come true. So in examining that I guess we can all agree that since you just elected a friend of our enemies, the next terror attack and it's blood is on your hands and shoulders since Bush managed to keep the country entirely free of an attack since 9-11.
God forbid we are again attacked, but if we are it will be the direct consequence of the choice made on November 4th, it's as simple as that. This little message rest assured represents a perceived victory in the War against terror by our enemies, therefore leading to a most certain increase in bellicosity as our troops are removed from the middle east. Just as promised to our enemies by the now confirmed preferred candidate of radical Islam, flushing 8 long finally victorious years remaking Iraq and almost Afghanistan into democracies of sorts will all go down the tubes with the military lives and treasure spent doing it.
So Sleep well all you Barack  lovers as you all will entirely own the next one just like the first, the one that you refuse still to blame on the sad sack Clinton administration instead choosing a man who wasn't even in office when the plane tickets were purchased for the attacks>

You people wanted change, well you will get it and deserve what you asked for sadly we didn;t ask for it and don;t deserve what's ahead but will defend the country and also help clean up the inevitable mess.

Jihadi Leader Says Radicals Share Obama Victory

NYTimes.com: "DUBAI, United Arab Emirates — The leader of a jihadi group in Iraq argued Friday that the election of Barack Obama as president represented a victory for radical Islamic groups that had battled American forces since the invasion of Iraq.
The statement, which experts said was part of the psychological duel with the United States, was included in a 25-minute audiotaped speech by Abu Omar al-Baghdadi, leader of the Islamic State of Iraq, an umbrella organization that claims ties to Al Qaeda. Mr. Baghdadi’s statement was posted on a password-protected Web site called Al Hesbah, used to disseminate information to Islamic radicals."
"In his address, Mr. Baghdadi also said that the election of Mr. Obama — and the rejection of the Republican candidate, Senator John McCain — was a victory for his movement, a claim that has already begun to resonate among the radical faithful. In so doing Mr. Baghdadi highlighted the challenge the new president would face as he weighed how to remove troops from Iraq without also giving movements like Al Qaeda a powerful propaganda tool to use for recruiting.
“And the other truth that politicians are embarrassed to admit,” Mr. Baghdadi said, “is that their unjust war on the houses of Islam, with its heavy and successive losses and the continuous operations of exhaustion of your power and your economy, were the principal cause of the collapse of the economic giant.”
The audio statement came amid a very public discussion in the Middle East over what Mr. Obama’s election meant for the future — and what it said about the past. Most of the public reaction, in newspapers and on television and radio stations, was euphoric, with many commentators marveling at the election of a black man whose father was from a Muslim family. There was a general assessment that Mr. Obama’s election was a repudiation of the course taken by President Bush and his inner circle over the past eight years."


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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