> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Obama Already Succumbing To Stress, All The Lying And Deceiving Catching Up To Him Finally?

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Sunday, November 30, 2008

Obama Already Succumbing To Stress, All The Lying And Deceiving Catching Up To Him Finally?

Maybe Obama's conscience is catching up with him after so many years of deception and fraud being perpetrated on others, now winning the presidency by defrauding half the nation has finally caught up with him. It's tough keeping up with all those lies and different shell games he plays, it takes a toll on a person who's living a big lie every minute of the day such as he, especially under the microscope of the entire world, all of his making by the way.

If he's buckling already under the pressure I'd hate to have to see what will happen to him when the real problems start on January 20th if he even makes it that far, as it sounds more and more to me that the entire government is now becoming aware that there is a constitutional crisis on our hands, and they're all scurrying around trying to figure out what the hell to do about it now, thanks of coarse to we educated Americans who didn't fall for the "Obama mystique" like a bunch of pathetic little teenyboppers and had the wherewithal to question his background and conflicting information that his stories lend themselves to.

By the way, while we're on the subject of fraud another fraud Obama and the media shoved down liberals throats is this; he hasn't quit smoking like he maintained he did all summer long to his throngs of adoring imbeciles!!! So my guess is this guy still dabbles in Drugs and Alcohol too and might be experiencing some mild to severe withdrawal since the media conveniently never quizzed him on those points of his own making from his books, and from drug and gay sex allegations unanswered by Larry Sinclaire. By virtue of that fact they let obviously let him get away with smoking in secrecy on the campaign trail during the entire campaign, when they could've and should've easily exposed that fraud too which they didn't. Another failure of the also fraudulent MSM.

After all it's these liberals denying Americans across the country their right and privileges of smoking yet elect a smoker president, double standards anyone?

How gullible the people on the left are to buy into this shell game sham, this fraud so easily and willingly perpetrated upon that half of America, the obviously more ignorant half of us that is. My assertion is that they can't recognize a fraud when they see one because they themselves live the same lies every single day. Being people they aren't, always pretending it's they who are smarter than everyone else, always claiming to know the best things for everyone else to do and not do, murdering helpless babies by the millions day after day, pretending they save the environment more than anyone else, they care about the homeless more than anyone else, they care about the abused more than veryone else, it's all abou them and ho great they are.

Let's not forget all that anger and hatred they have bottled up inside that surfaces all too often for George Bush and we Conservatives, all that constant protesting, the continuous illicit drug use and alcoholism they constantly try to hide, then subsequent trips to rehab to coverup all the damage they do to others under these foggy states, all the blog trolling so many do while typing their documented vitriol and hatred every single day and night, that stuff would take a toll on any person, not just liberals.

So it looks like their Messiah, The Almighty One Known as Obama can't even take the pressures from just the campaign trail already, it's that pure and simple. I mean, What if this guy had to take what president Bush and his family have tolerated from the left and their friends for 8 long miserable years? Two Wars, 911, The liberals in Washington and the hatred from around the world not to mention right here in the very country loves and sacrifices for, our enemies like Al Queda, Hamas and Iran every minute of the day? The losses of 400 soldiers and conforting their families, the losses of 300 on 911, and Obama's already tripping?

I've always said for years Obama's a Big Fraudulent Pu**y and it's already showing. I've also said throughout the campaign that this guy and hsi story is news to most of the country, but not to news junkies like me here in Chicago who've seen this ridiculous act for far too long now and will have to apparently see some more of it from a national level if Obama isn't removed for hiding his true birth origin from the country which I certaily hope he is made to answer for.

Stress takes toll on Obama, develops chronic facial tic:

WorldnetDaily "The strain of the long campaign and a frenetic transition period is beginning to wear on the face of President-elect Barack Obama, who has developed a facial tic under his right eye.

The tic on the lower part of his right orbital bone is clearly visible in his recent interview with ABC's Barbara Walters. Campaign insiders say it first emerged during the primary season and has now become chronic.

A facial tic is a repetitive, spasmodic movement often involving the eyes and facial muscles. The cause of tics is unknown, but stress appears to increase their severity.

'The patients I've treated with tic disorders had one thing in common: They knew that the tics worsened when they were under stress,' said Dr. Robert T. London, a psychiatrist with the New York University Medical Center.

Learn about what America can expect from an Obama presidency in Brad O'Leary's blockbuster, 'The Audacity of Deceit: Barack Obama's War on American Values.'

Besides the economic crisis, Obama is having to worry about his own security. The Secret Service reportedly is dealing with more threats against him than any other president-elect in history.

'There are a lot of things that keep me up at night,' Obama, 47, confided in the ABC interview." continued

He ought to try working and living in a wheelchair like I have for the past 4 years from advanced MS if he thinks he's had it rough so far, if you wanna talk about some stress for a few minutes. Here he's worried about a little chronic facial tic that one barely notices, gimme a break. Try being paralyzed from the waist down for a while Barack and see how that feels on the everyday stress meter.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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