> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: MSM Silent While 20,000 Savage Muslims Attack Cairo Church

Today's world headlines

Sunday, November 30, 2008

MSM Silent While 20,000 Savage Muslims Attack Cairo Church

Total silence from the US MSM and of coarse that the Saudis have bought a more heavier slice of Fox News the hopes of Radical Islam buoyed by the election of a US president in waiting at least until Dec 5th named Hussein are becoming more emboldened than ever that their worldwide attacks on Christianity and the West are succeeding.

Again since this story was buried in the MSM Obama love fest one might have to say they are correct in that assumption that the cowardly and pu**ified west doesn't have the muster or balls to defeat the Muslim surge, and will one day be kneeling behind the stinking, sweaty camel chafed Muslim asses with faces facing Mecca sooner than later, like these Muhammads, (mmm mmm good for all you appeasers and Dhimmis' out there, future San Francisco below? Michigan already looks like this in many places, who's state is next?)

And they will all deserve it if they won't fight back against this unheard of since the crusades Muslim intimidation, and just for information sake, were I in charge this type of intimidation below would be met with tactical nuclear weaponry no matter what country, what else do we have the shit for anyways, show? Christian persecution must end everywhere, including this damn country founded on Judeo Christian principles

20,000 Muslims Attack a Church in Cairo:

AINA>ORG.."One thousand Christians were today trapped inside the Coptic Orthodox Church of the Virgin Mary in West Ain Shams,Cairo, after more than twenty thousand Muslims attacked them with stones and butane gas cylinders. The Church's priest Father Antonious said that the situation is extremely dangerous.

The Muslim mob that attacked the church blocked both sides of the street and encircled the church building, broke its doors and demolished its entire first floor. The mob were chanting Jihad verses as well as slogans saying 'we will demolish the church' and 'We sacrifice our blood and souls, we sacrifice ourselves for you, Islam', while the entrapped Christians chanted 'Lord have mercy'.

The incident started on the occasion of the inauguration of the Church today, when the Muslims hastily established a Mosque in the early hours of this morning, by taking over the first floor of a newly-built building facing the Church and started praying there.

When the security forces tried to disperse the mob, they went to nearby homes and shops owned by Christians, and were armed with sticks, butane, knives and other sharp objects. Witnesses said the mob included children from as young as 8-years old to men of over 50-years old, in addition to women.

The Church building was originally a factory that was adapted into its present state, the matter which took over five years to complete and to get the necessary permissions from the authorities to have a Church established.

Human rights organizations and lawyers were refused entry into the besieged Church."


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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