What we are witnessing on the left against one of their own fellow hard working citizens and our fellow conservative apparently is a new low of lows from the Apoplectic Psychotic Obama scrotum scratching left, and every single true free speech protecting American should be outraged regarding the search and destroy mission being perpetrated against this blue collar man who dared ask The Lying Muslim Messiah a simple question about his "steal from the rich and give to the poor" Sherwood forest economic scheme.
Simply asking a question is all this man is guilty of, and if you out there could honestly support and then vote for a lowlife like Hussein Obama, a metrosexual pussy who would not only order and then himself participate in the unfounded besmirching and libelous attacks being lobbed at this innocent American private citizen and hard working man, you too are fucking scum, the lowest of low, piggified, filthy scrotum licking, Obama crack scratching scum.
In honor of the left's repeated efforts to silence anyone anywhere who dare speak out against their fascist tactics they can suck my frigging ____ and I will immediately delete and then ban any comment from any liberal or even close to it from this forum from this point on. You people go f((( yourselves, I've had it up to neck with your medieval torch carrying mob activity and I won't stand for it here or anywhere.
Michelle Malkin is a little more civilized in her assessment of this situation by I myself am absolutely unhinged watching this half breed lowlife getting even this close to the White House behind the threats and destruction politics of the lowlife filled hard left at his disposal. This POS should get nowhere near our White House now, particularly after authorizing this disgraceful behavior his behalf, freaking Scum You Are Obama, F'ng Scum
I just sent Joe a little check to help him with his tax lien & I suggest anyone else who can possibly also doing so, so we can help this guy who's out there getting figuritively beat to sh** by a bunch of peter puffing cowards just for questioning Bro Bama.
Those who are destroying this country from the inside out just like their allies Al Queda and other enemies of America lurking within just like they do on the web and everywhere else in the darkness of which they all live amongst us pretending to be Americans when they are nothing but closet fascists that only travel in mobs.\
Newell Plumbing
c/o Joe Wurzelbacher
5665 Cowan Street
Toledo, Oh. 43613-2071
Operation Destroy Joe the Plumber:Great Post Continued here along with some lively commenting and this is getting conservatives pumped up big time and rightfully so.Michelle Malkin » "My syndicated column today reports on Team Obama and the Obamedia’s mission to tear down Joe the Plumber. Yes, we are in the midst of a new contagion: Joe The Plumber Derangement Syndrome. JTPDS.
Now, pay close attention to how the MSM rushes to uncover every last bit of gossip and dirt about Joe Wurzelbacher’s life. Some of it is relevant to the public policy questions he posed to Obama. Much of it is not. Danny Glover notes the behemoth double standards of the media mavens who call it journalism when they investigate, but consider it “stalking” when those of us on the Right perform the same tasks on Democrat poster families:""“The impulse to learn more about Wurzelbacher is perfectly normal. Readers and viewers are no doubt want to know more about the man now that he is all over the news. I know I do. And speaking as a journalist, let me add that reporters should be curious enough to do some basic background research.
But why is it that political reporters only get curious when a conservative Joe America storms onto the scene? Why aren’t they just as curious when liberals trot out, say, a 12-year-old boy to give a national radio address?
It has been almost a year to the day since journalists dropped the ball on telling America more about Graeme Frost, the boy who made the case for sinking billions of dollars more into the State Children’s Health Insurance Program. But when Michelle Malkin and other curious conservative bloggers did the legwork the press wouldn’t, they earned the scorn of their mainstream colleagues.
This time around, with Joe The Plumber as their target, the MSM is coming out with guns blazing. Maybe they should spend more time telling the bigger story about Wurzelbacher — that he managed to get Obama on the public record as favoring a socialistic redistribution of wealth."
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