However, in the last couple of days the developments coming from the scum filled Obama campaign leave me no resort to respond in kind as an angry citizen because as a Christian conservative I am sick and tired of the pummeling this movement and religion takes day after day from the absolutely despicable left wing of this country. This group being encouraged and supported by Barack Hussein Obama himself as well as the way out of control US Media had gone way too far and must be addressed in language they can understand.
These attacks on who has now come to be known as Joe the Plumber and now Cindy McCain are so far out of bounds the left can never be forgiven for their rancid unprecedented behavior in these past few weeks and one can only hope this low level discourse costs them the campaign and then we'll get down to dealing with the aforementioned scum in the aftermath.
Mark Halperin covered the retreaded Cindy McCain smears by the slimes well today in this piece below:
The Page - by Mark Halperin -
"Cindy McCain's lawyer complains the NY Times hasn't spent enough time investigating the Land of Lincolner's youthful drug use, his poor relatives in Kenya and Michelle Obama while responding to a Saturday story.
“You have not tried to find Barack Obama's drug dealer that he wrote about in his book, Dreams of My Father. Nor have you interviewed his poor relatives in Kenya and determined why Barack Obama has not rescued them. Thus, there is a terrific lack of balance here.”"TIME: "I represent Cindy McCain. I write to appeal to your sense of fairness, balance and decency in deciding whether to publish another story about her. I do this well knowing your obvious bias for Barack Obama and your obvios bias hositility to John McCain. I ask you to put your biases and agendas aside.
I understand that Cindy is in the public eye, but you have already profiled her extensively (Jennifer Steinhauer reported), written about her financial situation (including an editorial on her tax returns) and about her role at Hensley and Company.
I am advised that you assigned two of your top investigative reporters who have spent an extensive amount of time in Arizona and around the country investigating Cindy's life including her charity, her addiction and her marriage to Senator McCain. None of these subjects are news.
I am also advised that your reporters are speaking to Tom Gosinski and her cousin Jamie Clark, neither of whom are reliable or credible sources. Mr. Gosinski has been publicly exposed as a liar and blackmailer on the subject of Cindy McCain. Jamie Clark has very serious drug and stability issues and has failed in a number of attempts to blackmail Cindy. She is simply not credible."
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