> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: References To "God's Plan" OK For Abraham Lincoln, But Not Sarah Palin?

Today's world headlines

Friday, September 12, 2008

References To "God's Plan" OK For Abraham Lincoln, But Not Sarah Palin?

According to the ignorant to US history that is indeed a problem, as Charlie "I'm Gonna Get You Woman!" Gibson thinks he's schooling Sarah Palin trying to discombobulate her words and their meaning, when she actually borrows ideas put forward throughout our history by three different presidents in reference to WWII , The Civil War and the Cold war, they being Abraham Lincoln, Franklin D Roosevelt and their "hero to beat all heroes", John F. "Camelot Means Squat" Kennedy.

(the glasses down the nose, "Mr Scholar" look makes me
wanna reach out and knock those things right off his pompous, condescending face)

Lincoln and Kennedy both used the reference in their inaugural speeches, INAUGURAL speeches, not some interview with a self serving liberal hit squad soldier like worn out ABC retread Charlie Gibson.

I guess it would be too much for Charlie and the left wing "loon and goon squad" to do a bit of research before trumpeting this "Palin Calls Iraq American Holy War" garbage they spewed ad nauseum all afternoon and evening on Thursday, 9-11.

September 11 of all days, the very day her eldest son is going to Iraq to fight for screwball, and certified Obama jock sniffer Charlie Gibson and his sad right to twist and bastardize the soldier's mother's statements about him and other Americans going off to war. A necessary war that the damn liberals cannot even acknowledge on 9-11 even exists. They still refer to this as Bush's war on this sacred day of all days.

What collective slime. Here's the portion of the interview in question, and here's a link for Abraham Lincoln's second inaugural address in which Palin's complete statement was based found in paragraph 4 in it's entirety.

Good enough for the great Lincoln, FDR or JFK the savior, but not little old McCain VP nominee Sarah Palin, who still is making the lib loons & goons look more foolish after every lame, empty salvo they fire her way.

Hey, all you psychotic PDD (palin derangement disorder) suffering numbnuts out there on the left, It's John McCain your lame community organizer is running against, not Sarah Palin. Wake up and smell the crack smoke you smear-misers.

excerpt of interview where Gibson ignorantly
accuses Sarah Palin of announcing a Holy War
and she proceeds to school his undereducated, elitist a**

Sarah Palin Defends Experience, Takes Hard Line Approach on National Security:

ABC News: "On the anniversary of the worst terrorist attack in U.S. history, Gov. Sarah Palin took a hard-line approach on national security and said that war with Russia may be necessary if Georgia were to join NATO and be invaded by Russia.

In her first of three interviews with ABC News' Charles Gibson and the only interview since being picked by Sen. John McCain as his Republican vice presidential nominee, Palin categorized the Russian invasion of Georgia as 'unacceptable' and warned of the threats from Islamic terrorists and a nuclear Iran.

The governor advocated for the admittance of Georgia and Ukraine into NATO." continued
At least they call her governor instead of what the rest of the left is calling her.

Governor Palin takes the very same stance of John McCain and every other non liberal politician and government in the world has taken, way before Barry or is it Barack Hussein Obama changed his lame tune, a full 3 days into the conflict while he was vacationing in Hawaii as his campaign started falling part in mid August. Coincidence? .... no.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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