> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: For Liberals It's All About The Power And The Perks That Coem With It, Just Axe Charlie Rangels

Today's world headlines

Friday, September 12, 2008

For Liberals It's All About The Power And The Perks That Coem With It,
Just Axe Charlie Rangels

Good old wheelin, deelin Congressman Charlie Rangle, like his indicted buddy and colleague William Frigidaire Jefferson will only "go out while being dragged by his teef' if youz' ever gonna gets him out a Washington", that much you can bet.

These liberals don't go down easy, and have no compunction whatsoever to exhaust every single parliamentary, shyster-like maneuver they can dream up before ever giving up their cushy, pork barrel, fat wallet lining positions in government, a cold day in hell indeed. At least the republican crooks on the other hand have enough self respect to resign their positions once accused and or caught with hands in that proverbial cookie jar, they then prepare to fight the charges as recent foot tapping culprit Larry Craig the best they can if possible.

All he was accused of was trying to score some homosexual favors or kicking gum off his shoes, liberals love that gay sex crap so why not hero status for Larry "Tappin Toe" Craig like Barney "I'm Your Man" Frank?.

Or, they get right down to confessing the nefarious acts and start doing the time for the crime, saving themselves from further embarrassment and allowing the constituents to replace them with another likely crook of some sort and color like california republican crook Duke Cunningham did, from bust to confession to prison in record time.

Not those liberals though, particularly most African Americans caught with their pants down. They just keep on keeping on, all the while blaming racism, whitey, the man, anything and everything in the Rev. Al Sharpton reverse racist handbook in order to keep that easy cash rolling in, saying and doing anything they can manage to get away with by blaming someone and something else for their inproprieties.

Rangel is simply the latest newest to be charged and certainly wont be the last of either color or party.

One thing I must say though is these African American politicians have shown America in record time they too can be as slimy and corrupt as their white folk counterpart. I guess theyz all trying to make up for lost corruption time as it took the white man 200 years to perfect the corruption they execute, it took the African Americans only a couple of decades to become first class crooks.

Rangel Rejects Republicans Calling for Him To Step Down - September 11, 2008

- The New York Sun: "WASHINGTON — Rep. Charles Rangel of Harlem is resisting calls that he resign as chairman of a powerful House tax-writing committee, but he acknowledged yesterday that his failure to pay taxes on income from a vacation home in the Dominican Republic was 'irresponsible' and tha he had not lived up to the standards of his high office.

Mr. Rangel, head of the House Ways and Means Committee, vowed to pay thousands of dollars in back taxes to the city, state, and federal governments on $75,000 in unreported income from the property, and he pledged to abide by the decisions of the House Ethics Committee, which, at his request, is launching three separate inquiries into his personal finances and political activity.

The longtime New York congressman scoffed at the demand from House Republican leaders that he relinquish his committee chairmanship while the investigations are ongoing." continued
"Hell no I won't go, not til I'm fully indicted and convicted, that much I can promise you white folk trying to lynch anuthu black man..." That's about the gist of what we'll hear from Rangle and his defenders.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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