> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Obama Had To Travel Around The World At Our Expense To Accomplish This Goal By The Way.......

Today's world headlines

Monday, September 22, 2008

Obama Had To Travel Around The World At Our Expense To Accomplish This Goal By The Way.......

As expected the apoplectic left is ripping into this announcement, lunatic fringe blog saturation level is already at defcom orange alert and will probably grow in intensity as Sarah Palin meets with several World Leaders in New York over three days this week, also meeting Bono who as we know isn't a world leader but pretends to be one in his spare time, as does Barack Obama.

Barack is already polishing up the now required teleprompter for Mondays certain to be disparaging remarks, forgetting it was he who sadly traveled around the world this past summer glad handing whomever would have his plane land, in order to get his Official Rosetta Stone Foreign Policy 101 in less than 90 minutes under his belt.

Palin to meet world leaders, Bono -

First Read - msnbc.com: "From NBC/NJ’s Matthew Berger
ORLANDO, Fla. -- Palin will meet with the presidents of Iraq, Pakistan, Georgia and the Ukraine, as well as singer and activist Bono during her three-day trip to New York, the McCain campaign announced Sunday.

Palin will meet Wednesday with Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvilli and Ukraine President Viktor Yushchenko together, according to campaign officials. She will then meet with Iraqi President Jalal Talabani and Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari before hosting Bono, the lead singer of U2. Later in the day, she will meet with Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.

The campaign had previously announced meetings set for Tuesday in New York, including Afghan President Hamid Karzai and Columbian President Alvaro Uribe."

As I stated above the first 9 or 10 comments were very left wing lunatic fringe like and I decided I would chime in but fully expected the comment not to make their publish list, seeing the article was a product of MSNBSLEAZE and I left them a little present anyway that was most likely

The same people moaning and groaning here are the ones in Obama's empty nutsack claiming his traveling to Germany and Iraq after 900 some days as an absentee Illinois Senator gives him the credibility or foreign policy experience he needed, right?

You people conveniently forgot that childish "I'm the pretend President" ridiculousness already have you?

"Baracks World Policy 101" By Rosetta Stone In 90 minutes or less? The 3 year AWOL MIA senator who's only spent 110 miserable measly overpaid days on the job, the longest full time job he's ever had since being Affirmative
Action-ed through both Columbia and Harvard? Who then took his 100,000 MBA and went community organizing for a couple years to hide out and smoke crack with the hoodies and hang out with Bill Ayers and Jeramiah Was a Racist Wright?

GOVERNOR Sarah palin makes Barry Barack Hussein Sotero Obama Jr and all you obviously jealous losers without decent jobs look like you're all standing still with your puds up your rears. And that's exactly what makes you all so apoplectically psychotic, an innocent little Moose Hunting woman with morals and free of any abortion kills is making you all look like the pathetic metrosexual momo's you all are, and you just can't stand it can you.

Here's a tip, Get some help and please don't wait for the government to supply you cheap a**ed bas**rds free health care to do it, you can't afford to wait any longer as you all slip from reality into the lost abyss.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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