> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: With Russia On The March, Who Would Fear Obama in Moscow?

Today's world headlines

Monday, August 11, 2008

With Russia On The March, Who Would Fear Obama in Moscow?

Not a single soul.

So the Russian's are trying to lay groundwork to bring back these break away republics back under their sphere of influence, strangely starting the ball rolling while Bush was sitting right next to Vladimir at the Olympics. Irregardless, Bush told Putin this was unacceptable to his face according to the AP reports at the Olympics, as did Dick Cheney from here at home in similar terse words. What actions will be physically taken by us remain to be seen this week, and the possibility of American military involvement isn't exactly off the table though obviously a huge step in a bad direction if needed to be taken.

And with the tiny Georgian state literally begging for US involvement (rightfully so) and immediate worldwide help this also could be the start of a very serious worldwide conflict. And although Russia's military is still broken down from the Communist era and mostly dysfunctional, they still have nuclear capabilities along with new found oil revenues and strength that may keep many NATO countries from getting too involved with Russia's plans.

The obvious choice by Russia here is to move now, due to the anticipated weak Obama leftist agenda seemingly on slate for America that has been projected around the world as a certainty, thanks to the Media's Obama love fest going on for the past 8 months. Likewise, the other enemies of America's past that have been kept at bay for the past 8 years under Bush will now crawl out of the woodwork to get their agendas back they way they wanted them before Reagan came along and changed the world.

They all sat in limbo stunned from the changes taking place in the 90's from the fall of communism during the Clinton administration for the most part, most enemies like Al Queda planned future attacks while probing America's will with small attacks here and there beginning with the failed first attempt at taking down the Twqin Towers that libs conveniently forget about, also anticipating a Democratic administration due to Clinton's liberal popularity and almost assured liberal weakness and appeasement.

Certainly they were all quite surprised after Bush took the election from Al Gore as was most of the liberal loon community that still hasn't gotten over the Gore and Kerry losses.

After the 8 years of Clinton Al Queda made the huge mistake of going through with 9-11 plans again while anticipating the response being the usual US hand wringing of the 90's. As we all know they being Al Queda, radical Muslims in general as well as Islam have payed a dear price for that mistake in militant losses upwards of 100,000 terrorist animals, while other more seasoned and dangerous agressors like Russia stood down watching America change the Muslim world forever.

That is of coarse until, guess what?

Anticipated American weakness on the horizon once again the entie world for one reason or another cannot wait for to occur. A weak America is good news for many many peoples around the world, and they know history shows for the most part that Democrats mean a weaker America, and that is a fact Jack.

Again, it seems as if Russia is just getting head start on the rest of the party, knowing full well the loony liberals and MSM will blame Bush and his administration for any invasions or aggressive activity as being preoccupied with Iran and Afghanistan, along with all that other sh** the left trumpets out day in and day out to the world. That is  what they usually do instead of blaming the real culprit, in this case being the obvious weakness Obama and his 2 live crew will bring to the White House and America for at least 4 years will be taken advantage of around the world..

They know the first things on his agenda will consist of the obligatory fumbling around for 8 to 9 months filling cabinet positions and such other necessary administration changes, then the handing out and placating of the favors that put Obama int he White House to begin with, all coupled with the obvious on the job training the rookie "know nothing" Obama brings to the difficult job, and the coddling he will need for years if not his entire administration as a puppet of the elite pulling his strings behind the scenes.

Oh wait a second, I forgot something......., we shouldn't worry at all, after all he went on his happy little Media sanctioned "Meet and Greet Obama" tour of Western Europe a few weeks ago.. so that qualifies him to handle the Old Soviet Union Uprising appearing on the radar right now ...yeah right.

What a crock of donkey dung.

Bush says violence in Georgia is unacceptable:

"BEIJING (AP) - President Bush on Monday sharply criticized Moscow's harsh military crackdown in the former Soviet republic of Georgia, saying the violence is unacceptable and Russia's response is disproportionate.

The United States is waging an all-out campaign to press Russia to halt its retaliation against Georgia for trying to take control of the breakaway province of South Ossetia.

Bush, in an interview with NBC, said, 'I've expressed my grave concern about the disproportionate response of Russia and that we strongly condemn the bombing outside of South Ossetia.

On Sunday, Vice President Dick Cheney said that 'Russian aggression must not go unanswered, and that its continuation would have serious consequences for its relations with the United States.'" continued here
What he means by unanswered remains to be seen, and hopefully Russia will simply put an end to this agressive act after seeing the objections from around the world.


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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