> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: MSM Tries To Explain Away Edwards Story Silence With More BS

Today's world headlines

Monday, August 11, 2008

MSM Tries To Explain Away Edwards Story Silence With More BS

All the MSM biggies tried to act reflective upon themselves regarding the burying of the Edwards story for 8 months, acting and pontificating as if this was some terrible heart wrenching decision to make for this reason or that reason, when common sense which they and most liberals lack told all that they buried it so spare Edwards the turmoil and didn't want to blow the Dem chances of the White House int he fall.

That is why they did it and nothing more complicated is needed to be contemplated, pure partisanship was to blame and they know it.

Here's just two at the top of the slime heap, as CNN's mea culpa BS is directly below, while the NY Times had their little effort in Saturdays paper that can be read below the CNN bag of lies:
Edwards affair: Was media part of a 'conspiracy of silence'?

:- Rumors about John Edwards' love affair had been circulating for months, but it wasn't until the former Democratic presidential candidate admitted to the affair that national news organizations jumped on the story.

After the National Enquirer reported catching Edwards making a late-night visit to see his ex-mistress last month, the blogosphere exploded, asking why the mainstream media was not reporting the story." continued

Here's the NY Slimes variation on the same thing, basically blaming the National Enquirer as the source of the information as their reason for holding off, instead of getting the info themselves. So, like Edwards, this Reille homewrecking strangeoid- (who by the way name is pronounce Riley, yet every MSM reporter is mispronouncing it, every one), they continue to lie while supposedly telling the readers and viewers the truth.

Reticence of Mainstream Media Becomes Story Itself -

NYTimes.com: "For almost 10 months, the story of John Edwards’s affair remained the nearly exclusive province of the National Enquirer — through reports, denials, news of a pregnancy, questions about paternity and, finally, a slapstick chase through a hotel in Beverly Hills.

Political blogs, some cable networks and a few newspapers reported on it — or, more accurately, reported on The Enquirer reporting on it. Jay Leno and David Letterman made Mr. Edwards the butt of jokes on their late-night shows, but their own networks declined to report on the rumors surrounding him on the evening news. Why?


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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