> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Obama's Birth Certificate Challenges Finally Making A Dent .....

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Thursday, August 14, 2008

Obama's Birth Certificate Challenges Finally Making A Dent .....

More Obama fraud being uncovered day after day as it seems the blogger Texas Darlin, who's been all over the story along with many many others has discovered that Obama lied on his Illinois Attorney Registration record by omitting the fact that he went under the name Barry Soetero (that's little Barry to the left AKA the Exalted "All Seeing and All Knowing Barack Hussein of Obama") mostly during the schooling period in his life and has also used that name to travel to Pakistan as an adult:

The question out there now along with the birth certificate question is when did Barry Become Barack ,and did he do it officially or as he seems to have done many things in his life, on his terms ?
We just received this photo of a school registration form, courtesy of reader “curious,” taken by Tatan Syuflana, an Indonesian AP reporter and photographer. To my knowledge, the AP has not written a story about this. The photo is dated 2007, but has become relevant now in the context of other revelations reported on this blog. Here is the AP folder where Syuflana’s photo was found: www.daylife.com........................ continued

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What It Means
This AP photo is compelling evidence of the following assertions, which have been set forth on this blog:
1. Barack Obama had Indonesian citizenship
2. Barack Obama had the legal name Barry Soetoro
3. Barack Obama was a Muslim, despite his “fight the smears” claim that he never has been. (see new story that we just posted on this topic).
In addition, it means that Barack Obama apparently lied to the Illinois Supreme Court when asked to provide former names, according to this Attorney’s Registration Record:

Bu Bye Barry will be the mantra when he returns from his little Hawaiin vacation, and that is when the republicans will bring the issue to the forefront and begin to file suits to challenge his constitutional eligibility to be president, which it now more than ever appears he has none.

More on the possibly fraudulent certificate here at another blog thats been all over it....Atlas SHrugs

Here below is a TV station's blog shich is finally getting the word that this scandal is brewing in the background, which shows the MSM has really buried this one and their heads in the collective sand, AKA The John Edwards Baby Daddy cover up, and when this one finally explodes the Media will be standing with egg on their faces like never seen before and the damage to their reputations will be unrecoverable

Discuss: Obama Birth Certificate Controversy |
WOAI.COM: San Antonio News: "I have been reading for some time about Barack Hussein Obama's birth certificate controversy. At first I dismissed it because I thought there was no way the Democratic Party would allow someone who is not qualified to run for the office of President.
I now understand that at least half of the state attorney generals in the country will challenge Obama’s residency before certifying his nomination. Lawsuits will be filed to clarify Obama’s birth in the United States.
Until today I simply believed that Obama was born in Hawaii. After doing some research I found it is not so clear cut. Obama may have been born in Canada or even Kenya. The birth certificate he has provided as proof of live birth is flawed. The first one his election team provided had no certification seal. The second had the seal and fold marks.
There is also a “Barrack Hussein Mohamed Obama” born on 23 August 1961 in Canada -- which is where people are saying Obama was really born -- not Hawaii.
The Kenya rumor is one I cannot find anything on. At the time of Obama’s birth, his pregnant mother would have had a hard time getting all the immunizations needed to enter Kenya. So I don't believe this rumor is valid.
I do believe the Obama campaign may have a big surprise come nomination day.
My question here in the "No Bull Zone" -- have any of you heard anything on this topic? As I have said, I am really not sure, but there is smoke surrounding this topic and the Obama campaign had been extremely secretive about this issue. Could he have been born in Canada? Is the Hawaii birth certificate real, even though but it has no seal or signature. What say you? I am on the fence on this one.
As I said, Buh Bye BuhBuh Barry, or is it Barack, .......


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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