> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Hopefully This Agent Doesn't End Up In Jail Like Ramos and Compean

Today's world headlines

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Hopefully This Agent Doesn't End Up In Jail Like Ramos and Compean

Having shot a Mexican chucking rocks over the border at agents , I'm sure the Mexicans and some whiny liberal association will be protesting this action for sure.......On the other hand it'll put an end to the rock throwing at least for now, that's for sure.

Nowadays protecting the border can be a dangerous proposition as we know, especially when one does their job too good like agents Ramos and Compean did, who are still rotting away in a US jail for shooting a fleeing drug dealer in the a** who later worked in cahoots with a  crooked di**less US prosecuter only to later end up in jail himself for continuing his drug running acrioss the US Border.

This has been the biggest disgrace of the Bush  and his administration, letting these agents sit in jail for this, an absolute disgrace. And if he doesn't pardon them before his term is up this should be a mark on his legacy that should bever be removed.

 Border Patrol agent wounds man near Mexican border:
My Way News -  "SAN YSIDRO, Calif. (AP) - Authorities say a U.S. Border Patrol agent shot and wounded a man throwing rocks at agents near the U.S.-Mexico border in the San Diego area.
San Diego police Sgt. Kerry Tom says a group who had crossed to the U.S. side threw rocks at agents Tuesday night. Tom says the agents tried unsuccessfully to disperse the crowd by firing pepper balls.
One man was hit and fled into Mexico. He was found at a hospital and arrested by Mexican authorities. Details on his condition were not available.
A message left with a Border Patrol spokesman Wednesday morning was not returned."


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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