> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: A New Spin On The Obama Birth Certificate & Eligibility Argument, Still Being Ignored By The MSM

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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

A New Spin On The Obama Birth Certificate & Eligibility Argument, Still Being Ignored By The MSM

If your an avid internet surfer, blogger or blog reader you know that there has been much floating around the net regarding Obama's birth certificate, particularly the authenticity of one presented by the campaign to the left wing loony bin known as the Daily Kos that has been bantered about ad nauseum but completely ignored by the MSM. What a surprise there? not.

However a new spin is now being explored by a Hillary supporter posted below named Texas Darling that Obama isn't even using his legal name, as many know the all seeing and all knowing Obama has gone by a number of different names throughout his life to hide his Muslim background and upbringing is the way I and many others see the frequent name changing.

This avenue needs to be explored more only since Obama and his campaign has been so evasive regarding the issue, after all the left made such an issue about John McCain's eligibility if you can believe that, a war hero and 30 year senator, so why not someone with the middle name Hussein for cripe's sake?

And here's another blogger doing just that

Is His Legal Name Obama or Soetoro? ACT NOW «

TexasDarlin: "Barack Obama is running for President as… well, Barack Hussein Obama. That’s his legal name, right?

Or is it.

There is now evidence indicating that his actual valid Birth Certificate on file in Hawaii says Barry Soetoro. That was the Indonesian identity that Obama acquired when Lolo Soetoro adopted him. His original Birth Certificate, presumably in the name Barack Hussein Obama, was sealed. That’s our theory.

It seems that Obama put a fake Birth Certificate on his official campaign website because he wanted to hide his Indonesian identity from us, including his Muslim background and that pesky Constitutional dual-citizenship matter. That is our assertion.

And we believe that Barry Soetoro started using the name “Obama” sometime in the 70’s, it would seem.

BUT, interestingly, our researchers have been unable to locate the public record showing that Barry Soetoro legally changed his name back to Barack Obama. Sure, he could have used his original birth certificate (the one that was sealed) in the name “Obama” as an identity document over the years, and no one would have known…(didnt he say that he found that in a shoe box in high school?)"


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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