> Obama Regime Report < Obama Regime Report: Have It Your Way At Burger King

Today's world headlines

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Have It Your Way At Burger King

Nice to know the staff at this Burger King at least cares about cleanliness at the workplace, taking baths in the sinks used to clean the utensils used to make your food.

This is the biggest problem with YouTube and other sites like it, the encouragement to the ignorant numskulls around the world that all wanna be the next JackAss star doing idiotic things to capture on their cell phone cameras or whatever to post on the sites like this dumba**>.

So now the next brainless copycat will video himself urinating or taking a dump in the shake machine or some other disgusting act to top this nimrod.

Video shows Burger King employee bathing in sink: "

WDTN Dayton Ohio Weather and News |XENIA, Ohio (WDTN) - Some workers at a Greene County restaurant are in hot water with the health department, after an employee took a bubble bath in a store sink.

It happened at the Burger King on Orange Street in Xenia.

A four-minute video posted on MySpace captured the employee, self-described as Mr. Unstable, bathing nude in a large stainless steel sink as several other employees and a store manager looked on.

The video began making its rounds on the Internet Monday morning. One of the recipients was Greene County Health Commissioner, Mark McDonnell.

'My first thought was oh my god,' said McDonnell.

McDonnell immediately sent staff to restaurant to investigate the numerous health code violations." continued


The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. H. L. Mencken

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